Chapter 1

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Sirens blared as Subject #1337 'Qindeo' sprinted down the hallways of the horrendous laboratory that he had been imprisoned in for the first seventeen years of his life.  He had been plotting his escape since last year, noting the rotations of patrols, which guards had key cards to what doors, and where the security systems that consisted of lasers, cameras, and pressure pads were located.

He glanced back over his shoulder, catching a glimpse of the guards that were chasing him before ducking around a corner and pressing himself into a doorway.  He waited for the guards to run past him, and then tackled the last one, knocking him out with a kick to the head.  "At least I got something from all of their training," he thought to himself, grabbing the guard's key card, sliding it in the slot next to the door he had hid behind.  The light flashed green and the door slid open, Subject #1337, or Qindeo, slipping inside.

The room he entered was the armory.  The walls were lined with rows upon rows of every weapon that you could think of.  Qindeo moved among the rows, looking for the weapons he had been training with.  He found one, a .50AE Desert Eagle. He picked the massive pistol up and found a leg holster and ammo for it.  He put the holster on and slipped the Deagle into it. He spied a tactical vest and slipped it on over his lab gown.  He put the extra clips in the vest, and kept looking for his other weapon.  He spied it sitting on top of one of the shelves, and quickly climbed up and got it.  It was an M82A1 .50 caliber sniper rifle.  The sniper was almost as tall as Qin was, but he slung it over his back with ease, shoving extra clips in the tactical vest as well.

Now fully armed, Qin slipped back out into the hallway and looked around.  There were no guards in sight.  He began sprinting down the hallway, towards the window at the end.  He braced himself and went through it with a crash, glass shards flying everywhere and cutting up his face.  Now that Qin was outside, getting away was easy. He spread his four-foot wings and took a running start, and then leapt into the air.  With one massive down stroke, Qin was in the air, skimming low over the buildings and into the cold night air of northern Montana.

Qin was not safe for long.  Almost immediately, three helicopters rose in pursuit of Qin, the dual machine guns on each blazing away.  "Shit." Muttered Qin as he quickly dove down and away, trying to avoid the huge volume of fire that was coming from the choppers.

Qin dove into a grove of trees, landing on an upper branch of one.  He pulled the sniper rifle off his back and sighted in on the approaching choppers.  Qin fired twice at the lead chopper, both shots hitting the main rotor engine and causing the helicopter to explode and go down in a fiery trail of debris.  The second helicopter succumbs to the same fate as the first one, crashing to the earth as a fiery wreck.  The third helicopter had veered off, not wanting to meet the same fate as its fellow choppers.  Qin launched into the air after it, slinging the sniper rifle back onto his shoulder as he did so.  He gained on the final chopper, coming up underneath it.  Qin pulled the Desert Eagle out of its holster and quickly emptied the seven round clip through the bottom of the helicopter and into the cockpit, hitting both men twice, killing them.  Qin rolled out from underneath the plummeting helicopter and watched it impact the ground, a fireball marking the spot.

Qin grinned at his handiwork before turning east and heading away from that place as fast as he could.  After about an hour of flying Qin began to tire.  He saw the lights of a small town ahead and decided that that was as good of a place as any, and descended towards it.

Qin landed just outside of the town, behind a warehouse.  He crept around to the front and tried the door.  It was unlocked.  Qin smiled and eased himself into the warehouse, closing the door gently behind him.  He looked around the warehouse.  The only light was coming from the streetlight outside through the windows that lined the top of the warehouse.  His eyes quickly became adjusted to the light, and almost immediately, he saw something moving at the back of the warehouse.  "Who's there?" he called out, pulling the Deagle from its holster. There was silence.

Then he heard the clack of a slide being pulled back. "Drop it."

The Life & Times of Qindeo GreybeckWhere stories live. Discover now