Chapter 5

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Six months later Qin and Zuton had bought the old abandoned factory and both landed jobs on the Cedar Rapids police force.  Qin had found an old and rusted 1966 Chevrolet Chevelle in a back garage in the factory while they had been exploring.  He and Zuton had moved it to the front garage where Qin had been restoring it.  It now sported a black and white paint job, a red and blue bar light, a spoiler, armor plating, bulletproof glass, and rear doors.  He had replaced the engine with a V-12, and lowered the car.  Now all it need was a new interior and it would be complete.

“Hey Zuton, can you hand me the drill please?”  Qin asked.  He was finishing putting the new interior in.  “Here you go.”  Zuton said, handing him the drill.

Qin screwed the last couple of screws in with the drill, and then got out of the car.  “That should do it.”  He said, setting the drill on a bench.

As Qin and Zuton admired the newly completed, the police radio erupted with chaos.  There were so many officers talking at a time it was hard to tell what exactly was going on.  They listened to the conversations for a minute until they decided that there must be some kind of big shoot out and the SWAT team was needed.

Qin and Zuton quickly threw on their police uniforms and grabbed their weapons.  They hopped into the Chevelle and backed it out of the garage.

Qin hit the lights and siren on and floored it.  The V-12 roared as the RPM flew upward, Qin shifting quickly through the gears.

Meanwhile, Zuton picked up the mic for the police radio “This is Car 113.  We’re on our way.” He said.  “10-4, but be warned though, its hell out here.”  Came the reply.

Qin and Zuton arrived at the location a few minutes later.  There were about 20 squad cars parked along a gravel road in front of a house.  Cops had taken up positions behind the cars and along an embankment to the left of the house.

Qin and Zuton got out of their car and made their way over to the situation commander.  “What’s going on?”  Qin asked.  “The couple who lives in that house called in what they thought was a helicopter landing in the field behind their house, but then about five more landed and armed men got out of them.  That is about when the first officer arrived on the scene.  He got the couple out of the house, and now there is about 30 men armed with M16s inside the house.” The commander replied as bursts of gunfire emanated from the house.

Qin nodded “I’ll see what I can do.” He said.  He and Zuton made their way along the line of squad cars and over to the embankment.  Qin flipped the bipod on his sniper down and set it on the top of the embankment, while Zuton sighted in on the house with the scope on his M6.

“What do you got?”  Qin asked him.

“There’s three on the roof, and then one in each of the 12 windows.” He said.

Qin nodded.  He figured that these guys were from the lab, which means they would have to move again.  Qin was getting tired of running, but if he stayed put, they would kill or capture him.  Nevertheless, he had a job to do.  Qin peered into the scope and set the crosshairs on one of the men on the roof, and fired.  The sniper gave a loud thud followed by a high-pitched crack.  The man fell, and Qin took out the other two with one shot each.

Next, he moved to the third floor windows, and took out each of the men in them.  He did the same with the second and first floors, until silence descended over the house.

Qin and Zuton stood, and made their way towards the door of the house.  They were joined by several other cops with shotguns and AR-15s.  Qin drew his Desert Eagle and then kicked the door in.  Zuton dove inside, coming up in a firing position.  He scanned the first floor.  It was completely empty.  “Clear.” He said, waving everyone else into the house.

They made their way slowly up the staircase to the second floor.  It was empty as well.  Now they made their way up to the third floor.  As Qin reached the top of the stairs, bullets crashed into wall next to him.  “Shit!”  Qin yelled, diving for cover behind a metal filing cabinet.

Zuton laid down on the stairs, and stuck his gun and head around the corner.  The hallway was wide, and at the end of it, the 15 remaining gunmen had taken up positions behind various objects.  He went for a nightstand that was across from Qin.  The rest of the cops laid down behind doorways or got behind other objects that were along the edges of the hallway.

The two sides exchanged fierce gunfire for several minutes, until Qin looked over at Zuton and nodded.

Zuton nodded back.  From his belt, he took out an extended magazine, slammed it into his gun, and stepped into the middle of the hallway.  “Eat lead bitches!” he yelled, and then held down the trigger on his M6 and started walking forward.  Qin stood up next and walked next to him, firing his Deagle.  The rest of the cops soon fell in behind them, putting a massive amount of fire into the end of the hallway.

When they finally stopped firing, Qin and Zuton checked behind the bullet riddled objects that the gunmen had been hiding behind.  There was one gunman left alive, but he was badly wounded.

Qin knelt down next to him. “Who sent you?” he asked.

“The-the lab.” The gunman coughed out.

That was all Qin needed to hear.  He shot the man in the chest to put him out of his misery and stood up.  “They’ve found us.” He told Zuton.

Zuton nodded “Let’s get out of here then.” He said.

The two made their way downstairs and outside.  Qin grabbed his sniper from where he left it and they made their way to the car.  They got in, and then started driving east, towards Chicago.

The Life & Times of Qindeo GreybeckWhere stories live. Discover now