Chapter 3

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As Qin and Cass dove towards the six other flyers, the one flying point noticed them.  They motioned to the others and they began to spread out into a combat formation.

"Crap! Pull up!" Qin yelled to Cass, but it was already too late.  They were moving so fast that by the time they had snapped their wings back out; the two were in the middle of the formation.

Qin and Cass hovered back to back, looking at the others nervously. Three of them appeared about their age, with the three others being younger.

The older girl flew forward towards Qin and Cass, stopping about halfway there.  "Who are you?" she asked.

"I'm Qindeo, and this is my friend Cass. We both recently escaped from the laboratories where we had been imprisoned." Qin answered her.

Cass nodded "Yeah, Qin just escaped yesterday, and I escaped about a week ago." She added.

The girl nodded "Alright, but w-" She suddenly stopped at the sound of choppers off in the distance.

"Okay, looks like we're going to have some company." She said now. "I'm Max, that's Fang, Iggy, Nudge, Gazzy, and Angel." She said, pointing to each one as she said their name.

"Alright, so now that we are all acquainted, let's deal with those choppers." Max said, everybody now turning their attention towards where the sound of the choppers was coming from.

Qin slipped his sniper off his back and clicked the safety off. He glanced around at the others and noticed for the first time that they were all unarmed, except for Iggy and Gazzy who seemed to be rigging an explosive device of some sort.

Max looked over at Qin "Is the giant sniper rifle really that necessary?" she asked him.

"Of course it is." Qin replied.

"They're more practical than waiting for your foe to come within punching range when they've got an Uzi or something." Cass added, pulling her Colt out of its holster.

Max just shook her head, and went over to where Iggy and Gazzy were.

Qin shrugged and turned his attention back to the approaching helicopters.  There were four of them spread out, making a stair formation. "Come on, get in range." Qin muttered. They were still about two miles away, but closing fast.

A loud resounding boom from Qin's sniper rifle broke the silence among the group of eight flyers.  About a second later, the topmost of the helicopters burst into flames and plummeted into the chopper below it, and then into the chopper below that one, sending the three choppers falling out of the sky.

Everyone looked at Qin, clearly impressed.  Qin just shrugged it off and proceeded to take out the last helicopter with ease.

"Damn." Fang said. "I need to get me one of those."

Qin nodded "They're pretty useful." He replied, slinging the sniper back onto his back.

The group talked for several hours as they flew east, until they decided to stop for the night in a cave that was on the side of a tall mountain.

"Well, it was nice meeting you, but Qin and I really must keep moving." Cass said.

"It's been a pleasure." Max said.

Qin nodded and then he and Cass took off, this time heading south towards Wyoming.

The pair flew for a good five hours before they crossed over the border into Wyoming, landing just south of the border near the town of Lovell.

It was just starting to get dark once they found a place to sleep in an old abandoned house.  Qin looked through the house, and determined that they were the only one's there.

The Life & Times of Qindeo GreybeckWhere stories live. Discover now