Chapter 6

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They drove for four hours along Highway 30 until they reached the thriving metropolis that was Chicago.

“There are too many people.”  Zuton muttered as they drove through the streets “Let’s try a suburb.”

Qin nodded, and they headed north into the suburb of Des Plaines.  “This is much better.”  Zuton said.  “Let’s find a place to stay.”

They drove for a few more minutes, the houses thinning out and eventually tuning into country.  “There.”  Zuton pointed at what appeared to be an abandoned house that sat about a mile off the road and backed up into some woods.

As they pulled up in front of it, they noticed a Foreclosed sign hanging on the front door.  Qin parked the car in front of the three-stall garage and the two got out.  They walked up to the front door, pulled the sign off it, and Qin kicked the door open.

Inside they found a fully furnished house, everything covered in a thin layer of dust.  “I think we found where we’re going to stay.”  Qin said, Zuton nodding in agreement.  They spent their first night in Des Plaines in that house, and the next day went out and both got jobs on the police force.

Barley two weeks had passed, and Qin had gotten the house cleaned, got the electricity and water turned back on, put in a bunker for weapons, filled that bunker with weapons, set up a sniper tower on the roof, and installed a sliding sunroof in the garage that he could fly in and out of.  Meanwhile, Zuton had found his own place, leaving Qin alone in his big house.

That night Qin was at a nightclub, having a drink and enjoying being off duty, even though his Deagle was where it always was.  He looked up as a young woman entered the club.  “Haven't seen you before” a young man said from behind her.  He was wearing a long, black trench coat that smelled strongly of smoke.

The girl blinked up at him.  "It's because I've never come here before.”  She answered, her odd eyes looking him over with an amused expression.  Her mouth open just a bit, she leaned forward, drinking in the scent of smoke that came from the coat.  Immediately she recoiled with a hissing sound, her eyes wild with disgust.  “Ugh!  Smoke!  Gross.”  She hissed out, her eyes narrowing.

The guy rolled his eyes, though he recoiled far from her, moving back along the wall, keeping his distance.  "I don't smoke.”  He said, amused.

"Then what the hell is that... That unbearable scent you're wearing?”  She asked in a scathing voice, though it was not as bad as normal.

"Unbearable?" Levi raised an eyebrow, moving off the wall, though he kept his arms crossed. "You must have... heightened senses.  "He said slowly, moving towards her, his light gray gaze moving to her forehead as he stretched out a hand, touching it with two icy-cold fingers, immediately getting sucked into her mind, though he quickly recoiled once again, backing up and shoving his hands in his pockets.

A sound of surprise, which turned to anger, escaped her, and in a flash, had her teeth, which were strangely like feline teeth and were rather sharp, locked around his fingers. She did not bite down, but held the hand there enough to where he moved wrong; the fang-like teeth would indeed cause pain. She glared at him, and then let go. "Do not touch me. EVER. Not unless you want to lose those fingers of yours." Naminé growled, glancing over to where Qindeo was watching them silently, an expression of amusement on his face.

Levi snatched his fingers away quickly, giving his hand a shake. "Maybe you should watch what you say. Some people are curious, you know." He smirked, flicking back some bangs, which had fallen into his eyes.

Then, quick as a flash, he grabbed hold of her shoulders and spun, slamming her against the wall and putting his arm to her throat, drawing out a medium-sized odd-looking knife from his pocket. "And don't you dare threaten me again." He hissed viciously, his eyes flaring, his face dangerously close to hers, though he made sure to not let his bare skin touch hers.

The Life & Times of Qindeo GreybeckOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora