something terrifying

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Tyler wakes up with his ankles and wrists bound to the bed he lies upon. He attempts to free himself, but eventually gives up. Brendon awakens to Tyler's struggles and walks over to the side of his bed.
"Ty, please calm down. You're safe now, and you're alive, thank god," the tall man exclaims.
I wish I weren't alive though,
"I'll try, Bren," the smaller brunette responds with a weak smile.
"You really scared me, Tyler. Please don't ever try to kill yourself again," Brendon says, tears spilling down his cheeks.
Tyler hates making people feel bad. He begins to cry as well, but not because he made Brendon upset. He's crying because he just wanted to die already, and now he had to put Brendon through that torture for a second time.
As soon as I get out of here, I'm slitting my wrists as deeply as I can so that this is over with, the small boy thinks to himself.
The two boys hear a knock at the door and a young looking nurse walks in with a tray of various medicines and needles.
"I'm glad to see that you're awake, Tyler. I'm your nurse, Sofie. Are you feeling comfortable? Is there anything I can do for you?" The nurse questions politely.
"M-my wrists kind of hurt, could you take off these straps?" Tyler asks.
"I'm afraid I can't do that, Tyler, you're currently under observation for trying to kill yourself and for hurting yourself while in the facility. But I can sit your bed up so that it is easier to talk to your friend," she replies with a smile.
Great, that means I'm going to be stuck in here for a long time.
"That would be great, thanks," the younger boy responds.
Eventually, Sofie administers the medicine into Tyler's body and he begins to feel fuzzy.
"Hey Bren," the younger boy giggles, "Have you ever noticed how big your forehead is?" He asks, bursting out in a fit of laughter.
"You tell me every day, Tyjo," he says with a chuckle.
"You're pretty pretty," Tyler coos, his eyelids drooping.
"And you look exhausted. Get some rest, bud," Brendon responds with a soft smile.
At that, Tyler closes his eyes
and drifts off.

A/n: okay really short chapter but shoutout to phancyphanfiction for motivating me to write again!!

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