Exhale desire

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Tyler awakens in a strange room. The walls are painted a pale blue, and there are no windows. The room is very plain, with nothing but a bed and a small chair in the corner. The artificial light rains down on his skin, giving it an iridescent glow. He feels so trapped in this room. He begins to feel his heart racing at the thought. There is no escaping this hell. I can't leave. I'm stuck, oh god, what am I going to do? A flood of tears escape his eyes, and he shakes as the sobs wrack his body.
He suddenly heard feet quickly padding down the hall outside. Maybe someone heard my cries, the small boy thinks to himself. The sound of the feet quickens, they're in a full blown sprint now. Suddenly the door is wrenched open and a boy with wild eyes and fading pink hair enters. He quickly slams the door shut and wheels around, eyes landing on the small brunette.
Tyler's eyes widen, unsure of who this guy is, or why he is in his room. He sits up in his bed and begins to shake. The younger boy is afraid; he doesn't know where he is or who this stranger is, and he's terrified of what the future holds.
"D-do you h-hear them?" The pink haired boy asks, hands shaking violently.  "T-the voices?"
"No, I don't hear them, are you alright? Who are you? Where am I?" Tyler asks him.
The strange boy studies Tyler's body as if it is an intricate piece of artwork.
"I-I'm Josh. And I'm o-okay, I think... You're in a mental institution. W-what are you in here for?" Josh asks with a twitch.
Before the small boy has time to answer, the older boy is holding his face in his hands and has his lips firmly pressed to Tyler's. The kiss is rough and animalistic. It's unlike anything he's ever experienced before.  Josh quickly lets go of Tyler, and backs away.
"I-I'm so sorry! You're j-just so pretty... I'm so stupid!" He yells, hitting his head hard against the wall. His eyes fill with fear as he looks at Tyler's cowering form. He quickly leaves the room before he does any more damage, and Tyler is left there in shock.

•  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  • 

For some reason Tyler is unable to get josh off of his mind. He barely knew the boy, but he was intrigued by him. It was obvious that there was something off about the boy from the minute he stepped into Tyler's room, but Tyler didn't mind. There was something wrong with everyone in this institution.  Maybe getting to know Josh will make this hell a little bit more tolerable, tyler thought. He was disappointed that there was nothing to do in his room. After sitting there for hours, he opened his door to see if he could find the strange boy with the pink hair once more.

A/n: so apparently I'm really motivated to write this week. Anyways, enjoy this shitty chapter.

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