Milky Hair

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{Kiloni’s POV}

Hi my name is Kiloni and I have two special dudes in my life that mean the world to me. You see our relationship is quite different than the norm or what you’re used to but it works for us.

How I met them you ask?


 Well, it all started at school one day at East High. It was during lunch. I’m the loner type chic. I didn’t have many friends much less a boyfriend for that matter. Anyways I was chewing on some string beans and dipping them into the mashed potatoes. I don't mind doing that because it tasted better to me. The mashed potatoes had gravy and butter in it too. Which made it really yummy! I was rolling my eyes at everyone else chatting away at their tables, talking to their peeps and love birds feeling all over themselves with PDA like they couldn’t wait til they got home to do that. Well there was this handsome guy whom I always had my eye on who was well built, nice smile and a sexy complexion. He was walking in with his crew the Barbie sluts (who I call cheeraleaders) and the ken dogs (who I call the football jocks). The Barbie sluts looked so perfect in every way physically but they were also sluts that slept around and couldn’t keep their legs closed much less their mouths. Oops. Then the Ken dogs were just dogs. Yea they seemed perfect on the outside but their personality was trash. I’m not sure if the “handsome guy” aka chres was like the ken dogs. I mean he is popular and the star quarterback of the football team and yea he could get any chic he wants but still I love to give people the benefit of the doubt. You may see only one side of the story but that doesn’t necessarily make it true. Plus I heard there’s a total of three sides to every story. He say, she say and the truth.

While I opened my juice carton and looked up one of the ken dogs snatched away my milk carton and laughed in my face. Chres was also laughing and I felt hurt. I didn’t want to cry in front of them because it would seem pathetic but gosh darnit milk ain’t free and I love me some milk.

Ken Dog 1: Awww what’s the mawwer are you gonna cry?

KD2: Yeaaa mikey. I think the baby is gonna cry.

I started tearing up. And what the hell is “mawwer” dumbass.

KD3: Hey Donovan I think you should give the “baby” her bottle back. She might cry.

The ken dogs laughed.

Chres: *nervous* Hey cut it out guys. That’s enough.

KD1: Oh don’t worry chres. We’re gonna do the right thing.

Mikey: Yea, by giving her bottle back.

Just then one of the boys walked over to my side as he was shooked the carton up like a bottle of soda and handed it to me but instead he opened it up and poured it all on top of my black silky hair.

Ken dogs laughed.


Mikey: Yea that was…..Milky.

KD3: *chuckles* Yea it’s like you nutted all over her hair and her face.

KD1 bended down towards my face and spoke to me seductively.

KD1: awww don’t cry baby girl. Lot’s of chics would looooooooove my cum all over their face since I’m popular.

Random girl: OMG!!!!!!! WHY COULDN’T THAT BE ME!


Ugh they are sick.

Donovan had kissed my milky face on my left cheek and patted my back softly and walked away snickering. I had no napkins to wipe my face and I didn’t want to ruin my hands and clothes. I could feel everyone’s eyes burning on my back as I was faced with embarrassment. I heard high fives in front of me as I hung my head down low. A few minutes later I heard some footsteps and saw a shadow approaching my table. My eyes slowly looked up and saw chres above me with his arm extended towards my face and a handful of napkins.

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