Chapter One

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Beth was sat in bed at 4am randomly searching the internet for pictures of smouldering green-eyed men, she had watched the film ‘The Holiday’ which starred, among others, Jude Law and was now fixating on him and his character, merging the two into one perfect man. “Why can’t I find a man like him? A man, who cries when I leave, a man who tells me repeatedly that he has fallen in love with me.” She thought for perhaps the millionth time, sighing at the futility of it all she clicked on another link and was taken to a site which seemed to give her the information she needed to become a full-time stalker of Mr Law, it gave the dates of his upcoming theatre performances and also details of where and when he would be filming next, in minute detail, right down to the plans of the filming sites and which hotels (and rooms) he would be staying in. “Well that seems mighty odd… Why would there be a website giving all these details out? Surely they are private and not for public knowledge.” She shrugged, and for reasons she could not explain, opened a word document and quickly copy and pasted all the information from the site; then glancing at the time, she closed the laptop, flicked off the light and went to sleep. 

Two hours later Beth was drinking her first coffee of the day and applying her make-up ready for work when she remembered the website, she quickly opened her laptop and typed the URL into the search bar, but it returned nothing, she checked her spelling and tried again but still nothing, “Strange” she thought as it returned no results a third time, “I’ll have another look after work, no time now” and with that she snapped the laptop shut, gulped the last of the coffee and headed out the door. 

“You look awful!” Alex grinned as Beth walked into the office, “Rough night?” 

“I should be so lucky Alex, just couldn’t sleep, that’s all… Do I look that bad?” replied Beth, taking her jacket off and placing it on the back of her chair. 

“Course not! I’m only ribbing ya hon, I’m your bestie; I see things most folks would miss.”  

“Who told you that?” Beth smiled as Alex pouted and turned on his heel with his nose aloft, he was her bestie and it was easy to see why when he turned and winked at her. 

“We’ll chat at lunch babe!” He called as he disappeared into the other office. 


Beth set herself the target of completing two of the three campaigns she was designing before home time, the target was important because without it she would simply drift along designing completely irrelevant stuff all day; she loved her job, it was a career she had stumbled into but found that she was really rather good at it but the downside was that she really did have to concentrate to stay on the job-in-hand, so she was rather pleased with herself when she clicked submit on the first one just as Alex reappeared.  

“Down tools honey, it is time to grab some carbs, or I’ll never get through the afternoon!” Alex said, removing the jacket from Beth’s chair and holding it ready for her. 

“Carbs? I just need coffee and chocolate to keep me going” she replied grinning at his mock shocked face. 

“Costa? Starbucks? Nero? Somewhere else?” 

“How about our usual spot at Kelly’s Café, hmm? I don’t need a change of scene just yet dear boy.” Beth smirked, “I’m a good girl; I haven’t tried dating the guy behind the counter yet.” 

“Still getting at me about Robbie? He wasn’t your type!” 

“Obviously not, since he dated you!” Beth punched Alex’s arm gently as they headed out to their favourite café. 


Seated across from Alex, sipping her coffee, Beth smiled. He was a ridiculously good-looking guy and she always received jealous looks from other women but he was her bestie not her boyfriend, he was sometimes better at being the woman than she was, which was somewhat galling. 

Alex paused in the onslaught of his bowl of chips and looked at Beth, 

“So why couldn’t you sleep last night girl?” he asked, breaking Beth’s reverie. 

“Oh I don’t know, I watched a film and then my brain just refused to shut down, I kept thinking about a pair of green eyes, so I had to go surf the net for pics and info.” 

“A pair of green eyes? Hmm… AH! ‘The Holiday’ was on, so that means you started fixating on Jude Law… Am I right or am I right?”  

“Sometimes you frighten me, you know that?” Beth shrugged as she bit into her slice of chocolate cake, “That is way too quick to evaluate the situation AND to have worked out who green eyes was!” 

“What can I say? I’m a genius.” Alex chuckled “You forget of course, that I like a good chick flick and though I didn’t watch it last night, I have seen that film several times AND I am fully aware of the few green-eyed actors around.” 

“Yes well, he definitely isn’t YOUR type; anyway, I found a website last night that gave his full itinerary.” 

 “Really? Like a list of what he will be appearing in next?” 

Beth dropped her voice “No, like a day by day list of where he will be for what film and even which hotel rooms he will be staying in!” 

“This I need to see!” Alex reached for his battered little net book “site address?” 

“It didn’t work this morning, I C&P’d it all last night though, not sure why, guess I thought it was too good to be true, not exactly the sort of thing that should be publicly available, must have been a privacy slip up or something.” 

“Girl you HAVE to share with me!” 

“OK, OK, I’ll send it over to you when I get home, Sheesh!”

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