Chapter Five

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Beth groaned as she sat staring at her work; she had no idea what she had been planning for this project, nothing seemed right. She shook her head and headed for the office kitchen to make yet another coffee; if she didn’t get her brain started soon, Caroline was going to have a field day. 

The problem of course was that her brain would not shut out the plans she and Alex had cooked up over the weekend and every time she tried to work, those green eyes floated into her mind. Something had to be done. The click of the kettle brought Beth back to the present with a start and she quickly finished making the coffee and hurried back to her desk. Setting the drink to one side, she opened her emails and carefully wrote her request for time off, maybe if she set the wheels in motion she would be able to concentrate again; she read it through and hit send, picked up the mug and inhaled the aroma before taking a sip of the still scalding liquid. 

It worked, Beth was soon flying through the design of the latest project and was almost feeling smug when lunchtime arrived and Alex spun her chair away from her desk. 

“Come on! All work and no chocolate makes Beth a dull girl.” He sang as he continued to spin her on the chair, Beth gripped the arms tightly,  

“Well quit spinning me so I can stand up!” She laughed. 


Sat in companionable silence in their usual seats in Kelly’s Café, Beth allowed her mind to wander, what would she say if she got the opportunity to speak to Jude? Would she even be able to speak? Would she mention the self-writing document? Did she want to look like a complete nutter? She chuckled and Alex raised his eyebrow questioningly but she just shook her head. 

“Silly thoughts, nothing more.” She said reaching for her double choc chip muffin before he picked all the choc chips out of it. 

“I submitted my holiday requests earlier.” Beth grinned as she said it, 

“Any comments from Caroline yet?” Asked Alex “And why the grin?” 

“No comments at all… The grin is because I submitted requests directly with HR, bypassed her altogether.” 

“Oh my God! She is going to be seething when she finds out!” 

“Well I guess even your office will hear her when she does but if HR agrees then she can’t stop me.” 

“True, very true, I never realised how cunning you could be, I shall clearly have to watch my back if I ever cross you in the future!” Alex grinned. 

“Just don’t cross me and you will never see just how artful I can be, although if you need someone crafty to give you a hand at some point, then I may well be the perfect person!” Beth retorted with a small smirk. 


Three days passed before Beth got the email from HR confirming she could take all the days she had requested, she was shocked, it was unheard of to get all your dates agreed but there it was; she hit print so that she could pin it up at home and brag to Alex about it. A further day passed, before Caroline got the news and Alex had been correct, she absolutely flipped out, screaming obscenities at Beth until Alex; who could hear from his office, called the MD. Caroline was not in work the next week. 

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