Chapter Two

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 Pulling into the driveway of her little house and cutting the engine, Beth felt a thrill of excitement rush up her spine; she was way too excited by the information she was going to send over to Alex; first though it was time to make some kind of dinner. 

Shrugging her jacket off and hanging it on the peg in the hall cupboard, Beth headed for the kitchen; flicked the light switch and made a beeline for the kettle and a fresh mug of coffee. With caffeine in her system again, she rummaged through the fridge and found some diced pork; “hmm, sweet and sour pork… sorted!” she thought, carefully avoiding looking at the laptop; still on the table from that morning. Rattling the pans and drinking coffee kept her busy and she promised herself she would eat before she switched the computer on. 

Finally it was reward time; the thrill rushed up her spine again as she opened the laptop and waited for it to wake up, finally she was able to get to her documents and clicked on the one saved less than 14 hours before. 

Beth attached it to an email and sent it to Alex as promised and settled down to have a thorough look through all the information. 

After half an hour’s close scrutiny, Beth could not see any way that any of the details were real and emailed Alex to tell him her opinion in the cold light of day; he replied almost instantly: 

‘Darling, do your research, (I have), the delightfully smouldering Mr Law will indeed be at those sites for filming, as for the hotels; they are the best in the area but the room numbers? Well I’d say the writer just took a punt at the best suites available. 

See you tomorrow Sweetie xx’ 

“You little shit! Telling me to do my research! Ooh just you wait till I see you.” Beth growled at the email message on her screen then hit the close and went back to looking at the document.  

Two hours and three coffees later, Beth had a list of filming locations that was almost identical to the one she had taken from the now missing website. Alex was right, all the information about Jude Law’s work commitments was in the public domain and the hotels were most likely just guesswork, just as he had suggested. 

As she was looking at it, the auto save icon popped up at the bottom of the screen; 

“Why are you auto-saving? I haven’t altered anything.” She muttered at the screen; then she stopped; the word count in her document was rising, as she watched it, it stopped but when she looked away to the top of the screen it started then stopped again if she looked directly at it; her heart started to race. 

“What the bloody hell is going on?!” She asked the kettle since there was nobody else in her house to talk to. 

“How can this document continue to grow when I’m not typing?” Beth scrolled down to the final page nervously, but nothing had changed there. She opened her phone and called Alex. 

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