Chapter Six

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Beth’s eyes flickered open, still fuzzy from sleep, she squinted to read the time; 7.30am, she closed her eyes again and revelled in the freedom, surely there was no greater feeling than knowing you have a week off work. She grinned to herself, stretched, turned over and went back to sleep. 

Another hour and a half passed by before Beth finally woke to the day properly; she headed for the kitchen for a coffee before getting into the shower and starting her day.  

She was back in the kitchen with her second coffee when her phone buzzed with a message; 

“Good luck this week babe! ;)” Alex was the only person on this Earth that understood why she was doing this, her bags were packed and her route was programmed into the sat-nav; she never trusted them after all the stories of people driving down railway lines because that was what their sat-nav had said, so she always set her own route. Beth checked the doc. on her laptop to make sure the schedule hadn’t been changed in the last 12 hours and smiled. ‘Kettlewell, Yorkshire Dales, here I come!’ she thought. 

After almost three hours, Beth pulled into a supermarket car park in Nottingham, she made a point of never using motorway services on long journeys but she needed a toilet break. When she finally returned to the car it was a little after 3pm, ‘Glad I decided to travel on a Sunday or I would be caught up in the school run now.’ She thought to herself as she climbed into the driver’s seat and put the shopping bag in the passenger foot well. The remaining 2 and half hours of her journey drifted by easily and she was soon pulling up outside the little hotel she had booked into. 

Beth checked in and was told dinner would be available from 6:30pm, she retrieved her bags from the car and got herself settled in her pretty room; the pale blue curtains and comforter made her feel instantly at home and the entire place just seemed to hug her. 


She was awoken next morning at the ungodly hour of 4:30am by the sound of many vehicles and people outside in the street, it seemed the film crew had arrived for the day; Beth turned over and burrowed beneath the covers to block out the noise but it was relentless, eventually she got out of bed and went to the window. 

There were people everywhere, it was like Piccadilly Circus out there; finally she saw someone simply standing around, so opening the window she called out to him, 

“Hi, excuse me, will the noise stop soon or are we all awake for the day now?” She asked in a somewhat sarcastic tone of voice. 

The guy looked up at her window, shrugged and moved away out of sight.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2013 ⏰

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