Chapter 34: Robin Made a Scene

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Chapter 34: Robin Made a Scene

"I still think you're lying, man."

Alex, being the nosy person he is, still persistent to know the truth behind the expressionless face that I had since this morning. And since this morning, he hadn't stop interrogating me with bullets of questions.

Sheesh, when you think Chloe was loud--wait until you meet the actual life of the party of The Pattersons. Wait, no- I think Freddy is the life of the party...or was it Cole? Or Ned?

"I'm fine, Alex. Leave me alone," I said monotonously without looking up to him and continued to pick on my food. I sighed for what felt like the millionth time today. I mean, you can just tell how miserable I am for these past couples days. It's even more harder when I have to face Robin at home everyday and every night without having the urge to walk up straight to her and kiss her.

I thought for sure that she was going to be as miserable as me but she proved me wrong she just act like her normal self. As if she didn't experience a heartbreaking moment or in my case--breaking someone's heart. But the saddest part of it was every time we crossed paths, she would just ignore me as if I was some stranger to her.

And it fucking hurts.

It hurts to know that the person you cared about never felt the same way for you and that the two of you weren't supposed to happen--the two of you were just a mistake. It hurts really bad. This hurts much much worse compared to the old Hayley's break up.

Because Robin is actually someone that I wanted to fight for. She was the reason why I felt excited every time I go to school. She was the reason why I would always keep my guard up because you will never know when or where she'll pop out and pull a prank on you. She's the reason I looked at life differently. And she still is.

Unlike Hayley, it was just a silly old childhood crush. But with Robin, she's actually a person worth fighting for. I want to be able to look at her everyday and know that she is mine. I want to be able to say those three words to her and hearing them back. I want to have a future with her. I want to be with Robin Patterson no matter how many times my heart has to break. I'll do it if it means I could be with her.

I'll do it if it'll change her ways of seeing things. That she and I--actually do have a chance and that we weren't a mistake. We were meant to happen. If only she was less stubborn, maybe then she would listen.

"It's the seventh time you said that today but how come I'm having a hard time believing you," Alex insisted and it was driving me insane. Can't he take a hint that I was not in the mood to talk.

"Give it a rest, Alex. Seriously, you're starting to act like Chloe." Cole, as if on cue, came to save me from being interrogate even further. I sighed in relief, thinking that I could finally have a moment of peace. But who am I kidding? I have The Patterson's as my friends. There's no such thing as 'peace' when I'm with them.

"You should act like Ned when he's in denial if you want something out of Jake. That'll do it," Cole suggested as he shot me a playful wink and took a seat across from me. "Oh, good thinking bro!" Alex agreed excitedly as he high-five Cole. Soon enough, more of the Pattersons joined in.

"What's with the commotion, bros?" Ben asked as he and Ned came into view and sat themselves around the table. I was actually hoping I could spend some time alone but I guess it was not happening. Not when they are around.

"Nah, man. Jakie's here been walking with dark clouds above his head all day. It's weird as shit," Alex explained with an annoyingly hyped tone like one of those frat guys. I pulled a face at him for assuming things that was not entirely true. 

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