Part 7 - Its for the best

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-Toby's POV-

Again, something is wrong. Why on earth did she just black out from opening a door? Who does that? This wasn't right? I have a feeling it is about her being scared. She was scared coming into the warehouse and was scared when she found out that I had called a doctor. I shouldn't have said what I said to her. I shouldn't have promised her something I couldn't keep. I shouldn't have lied. This isn't right.

It's been 2 hours this time. At least she is not out for long periods of time. A couple of hours at the most. Claire - Josh's Sister - was surprised but again she put it down to being scared.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Tav sat up abruptly from the bed. We were all in the room this time apart from Claire because we told her she should leave because Tav was scared of her. We were all either sat on the end of the bed, on chairs around the bed, or standing. She looked at everyone of us and when she looked at me her face got angry.

"Take me home right now. I don't care what you say but I'm not staying here. You lied to me. You all did. I don't want to stay here." Her voice broke at the end as she burst into tears. She was an emotional wreck. I quickly made my way towards her and placed my hand on her shoulder ready to hug her but she pushed me away. She didn't want me. Harvey was quick to the rescue and I tried to hide my smirk when I knew she would push him away too. But to my surprise and hurt she didn't. I can see why she hates me but I had to do it for her own safety. It was only right, right?

"Tav, I'm sorry, but I had to. You could have died, I had to make sure that wouldn't happen again but it did. I just have to ask you one question then you can hate me all you want. Has this happened before?" I whispered the last part because of how worried I was. I f she said yes, then there must be something wrong, seriously wrong. But if she said no, then this is all our fault making this whole situation a loose-loose situation.

She looked straight in my eyes and whispered with so much hatred "no". So this is our fault. We had to do something to make her better. We can't take her to the hospital because she doesn't seem to like them however there isn't anything else we can do, unless...

Pushing the boys out the room and making my way to the opposite end of the warehouse I started to tell them my idea. It is a bad idea and one where all of us can loose something we don't want to but it has to be done. They were all hesitant at first but in the end they all agreed.

Making our way back to the room and taking are previous spots I spoke. "This is obviously our fault and we are sorry we caused this so we are going to end it. We know this has only started by you coming here so here's what we are going to do. Harvey here, is going to take you home, explain to your parents that you have fainted and why you are so late home." She interrupted me by asking what the time is. "11 pm. Anyway, then he will leave and we will never see you again. We will never contact you and you will never contact us, unless whatever happened, happens again. Then we will be there because we know it wasn't our fault and therefore we can be there for you and help you find out what is wrong. If you see us in the street, then just walk past. I'm sorry but we can't be there for you if this is what will happen every time we are around each other. This is for the best. Honestly. We are all going to miss you but this has to happen and Im kinda happy it happened now, at the start because otherwise we wouldn't have been able to do this because we would know you to well." I felt like this was turning out to be a rubbish idea.

She didn't say anything, nothing. She sat there quietly looking at her hands and her body was slightly shaking. She's crying. Oh no, I can't deal with this. She needs to leave now or I'm going to change my mind. I looked at Harvey and nodded my head and he made his way over to her. Picking her up he made his way out of the room. I can't deal with this.

-Octavia's POV-

No. Nope. Nah. This can't be happening. They can't leave me like this. I can't go home, my parents are in a mood with me and they are just leaving me now. I can't deal with everything I have just learnt. The countdown to meeting 'the one', coming to a warehouse which freaked me out, nearly dying and now this. This just isn't a good day for me.

I'm placed in the car by Harvey and I don't say a word. I look out the window and quietly sobbed to myself. I don't know why I am crying, I don't know whether it is to do with never seeing the guys again or if it is just what has been happening in the last few days and this just toppled me over the edge. Whatever it was I didn't like it. The card started and we were on the road. I don't know why but leaving the warehouse made my sobs turn into full out crying-while-hiccuping-and-whole-body-shaking type. I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see Harv- Harvey staring at me from the corner of my eye. I know I'm being stupid because I haven't know them for long but I feel like I have, and that feel weird.

"Hey, Tee. I'm sorry, but it's for the best. Honestly." I just turned away and cried harder. "Tee, I can't do anything about it. Well I suppose I could..." I could tell he was contemplating what he wanted to tell me but in the end he did. "I suppose we could still text."

With that I turned to face him. Was he serious. "Can I seriously text you and the others?" I say with hope and a smile covering my face. However Harvey's face falters and he gives me a sympathetic look.

"Sorry, it will only be me you will text and no one can know. I'm not even supposed to text you." He whispered, looking at me and gaging my reaction. My smile also faltered but I gave him a nod because it was better then not keeping in contact with any of them.

"Yeah ok." I whisper and as he parks in my driveway and I step out. Walking half way I stop and turn to face Harvey. "Look at me." He gives me a confused look and I point to my feet. "I'm walking and I don't feel dizzy. That shows its nothing to do with you. Right?" He sighs and looks me in the eye.

"I guess, but that doesn't mean it doesn't have anything to do with the gang or the warehouse. Maybe you were just scared about us, or the warehouse. We don't know and that's the point. The only thing we know is that it hasn't happened before you met us and now it has. That's all we have to go on. So that's why we made this choice." With that we made our way into the house.







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