Private Sex Lessons With Louis Tomlinson

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Holly POV

I was deep into my book when I heard snickering.

Please, not this again. 

I put my book down and looked up. Of course it was them. Couldn't they just leave me alone already? For god's sake's it was the end of the school year!

"Well if it isn't Virgin Mary" Elizabeth sneered.

"Really?" I rolled my eyes at her nickname for me. 

"What? Are you going to get your boyfriend to yell at me...oh wait? Virgin Mary doesn't have a boyfriend...does she?" She laughed.

I stayed quiet.

"Its actually kinda sad. A 17 year old who hasn't even gotten her first kiss. Tsk tsk" Her side kick Mandy laughed.

"There is a church up town, you should consider becoming a nun. It's obvious your going to die a virgin. Might as well commit yourself to god." Brianna teased.

"Just because I'm not a slut like you three, doesn't mean I'm a nun" I raised my voice at them.

"Oh come on Holly. Your 17. All 17 year old's have urges. You haven't even kissed anyone! Your in high school for gods sake's! Your going to be a senior next year! Your telling me that's normal? I highly doubt it. It's okay though, have fun reading all summer. While your at it you should study the bible. It will come in handy." Elizabeth laughed with the rest of them before heading off. 

I wasn't a freak or anything right?

I collected the books I was reading and put them back on their shelf. Apart from all the bullying, I really am going to miss school.

"Bye Mrs.Goldsworthy" I said to the librarian who has been very nice to me since I started High school.

"Bye Holly! Have a nice summer and stay out of trouble" She laughed. She was a sweet old lady.

It was the last day of school. Next year I'm going to be a senior, then I go to college. 

Oh god.

Distracting myself from my thoughts, I went to the parking lot to look for my ride A.K.A Todd my older brother. He was a senior and no doubt he was happy to finally leave high school.

Todd and I are two totally different people. He has probably a thousand friends while I have none. He has always been the talkative type while I was more the shy type. Tell anyone that we're related and they'll straight up laugh in your face. I hate to say this but if it wasn't for his football scholarship, he wouldn't get into a good collage. 

"Hey sis" I heard Todd say as he leaned up against his car.

"Hi Todd, happy its the last day of being a senior?" I asked though I already knew the answer.

"Yeah but I'm going to miss this place" He sighed, a smile tugging on the corners of his mouth.

He unlocked the car and I got in on the passengers side.

Todd was 19 years old, two years older than me. He failed 8th grade...

"Mom texted me saying to get ready when you get home. Apparently she's out with a friend and she's going to invite there whole family over for dinner." He informed me.

"Oh okay...not like I have anywhere to be" I mumbled the last part.

"You know, maybe if you socialized more, you'd have friends" He told me.

"I'm fine. I don't need anyone to be happy" I told him, letting my pride get the best of me.

"I'm only saying what I think" He said as he pulled into our drive way.

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