Character Check

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Name: Cecelia Lafielle 

Age: 16,000 years old (Story: 18 years old) 

Height: 180 cm (5'10") 

Race: Royal Pureblood/The Chosen One/Queen Vampire 

Appearance: Wavy, platinum blonde hair that goes up to her waist and light golden amber, almond shaped eyes. She appears to have a perfect, thin, hourglass body like a Goddess with perfect curves on the right places. (I know it's too much but I wanted her to be that way) 

Personality: Unlike Kaname, she's kind, fun, caring, sweet, very sarcastic and loving towards both human and vampires except towards Yuki. She's just playing nice to her. She can be really mean, heartless without a bit of emotion, sadistic and indifferent when she's provoked by something or someone. Her personality changes depending on the person she's with. She's also considered as bipolar and sometimes childish.  

Relationship: Kaname used to be her only best friend and past lover.  


-Extreme level specialty power (elements, etc. with broad application, responding to her will) 

-Mind Compulsion, (Mental control over humans and vampires, whether they can be higher or lower in rank.) Telepathy and Telekinesis.  

-Can tell someone's names, history, personality, abilities, thoughts, etc, by just one look in their eyes. But it can apply only if she wants to.  

-Healing Touch 

-Fertile Blood (can create new vampires, stabilize them and their blood can give extraordinary power to human servants or other vampires who drink it.) 

-Physically faster, stronger and resistant to injury than a normal pureblood.  

-Extreme regeneration. 

-Superhuman senses.  

-Immunity to normal poisons and human diseases. 

-Can pulverized an individual through mind or make them suffer in excruciating pain.  

-High resistant to sunlight 

-Low need for blood 

-Shape shifting 

-Familiar Summoning 

-Immortality (Cannot be killed by anyone or anything) 

Familiars: The elemental deities are under her summoning. Only her, has the ability to do this, other usually takes form of an animal. To summon them, she has to concentrate on an element (or two) before they could appear. The deities can also appear without Cecelia to summon them.  

-Aeolus (God of Air and Winds) 

-Habaek (God of Water and Seas) 

-Terro (God of Earth and Nature) 

-Keahi (God of Fire and Chaos) 

-Raiden (God of Thunder and Storm) 

History: Before Kaname met the Hooded Woman, resurrected by Rido Kuran and became Yuki's elder brother and fiancée, there was Cecelia. The ancestors of the vampire race were the 10 pureblood families; Lafielle, Kuran, Walter, Hiou, Hanadagi, Touma, Ealdwin, Shirabuki, Ouri and Shouto, but the main family of them all was the Lafielle clan.  

The Lafielle clan originally started in Italy. Born royalty and a child prodigy, Cecelia was chosen by the 10 families to be the hostess of the 5 elemental Gods. Her mother, Helena, the vampire Queen, did not like the idea and decided to go against the other pureblood families to protect her only child.  

To some, being the hostess/host was a gift but to Helena, it was more like damned curse that will cause huge burden to Cecelia.  

Since the Kuran family was the closest ally to the Lafielle, Kaname and Cecelia became very close friends that would soon bloom into an affair. Afraid that Cecelia might reject him, Kaname kept it to himself and continue to love Cecelia secretly. Soon after, Cecelia figured out that they had mutual feelings and then, their relationship began.  

On the night of the Crescent Moon, the ritual began, unknowingly to Helena, Cecelia and Kaname. No one thought that night would also cause the extinction of the Lafielle clan.  

Cecelia was having fun with Kaname the night before the felony occurred. While she was gone, Charles, the vampire King and a father to Cecelia, went into Helena's chamber and asked her o have some serious talk. Charles discussed about the ritual will about to begin. Helena resisted and became really mad but before she could do something, Charles ripped out her heart straight away from her chest. Charles was crying at the process as he cradled Helena's lifeless body on his arms, but for the sake of his child, he needed to do this.  

On Cecelia's way back home, accompanied by Kaname, she sensed her mother's blood and quickly ran up to her chamber, revealing her dead mother. Extreme and burning hatred filled up Cecelia's heart. She threw herself beside her mother's dispersing body and then shattered like a glass as she mourned for her.  

Suddenly, both Cecelia and Kaname fell unconsciously on the floor. Then Charles appeared with a priest, he casted a spell which caused them to sleep. The priest carried Kaname's body back to the Kuran manor and Charles carried Cecelia's to a room where the ritual would be held.  

All the Head of the Pureblood families were there, for their blood was also needed to begin with. Although, this idea was against Charles' will, he couldn't do anything about it anymore.  

When the ritual started and the priest was chanting the spell, Cecelia's wheat colored hair started to change color into a lighter shade. It was almost like a platinum blonde. Right after the ritual finished, all Pureblood Heads felt the immense energy that's coming from her.  

Charles was the first one to stand up and went up to Cecelia to check if his daughter was okay. Then the moment Charles got a contact with her skin, Cecelia's eyes abruptly opened wide. She grasped her father's arms and stared into his purple ones with her set of new colored ones.  

Because she already possessed the power of the elemental gods, she had acquired different kinds of abilities and one of it was seeing a person's history through eye contact. Cecelia saw what happened to her mother and in a matter of minutes, she got out of control of her powers that was also brought by her anger and sorrow. She eliminated all individuals that were inside the hall, including her father.  

Now that all the Pureblood Heads were dead, no one could stop her from being so powerful. The annihilation of the Lafielle clan started after the massacre inside the ritual hall because she believed that their clan, especially her father, was the reason of her mother's death for they did nothing about it.  

Later, she went to the Kuran residence to look after Kaname before she would leave. Kaname was so confused because of Cecelia's appearance but also the amount of energy from her, he thought it was too powerful even more than his father's. She didn't say a word of what happened.  

Cecelia planted a kiss on Kaname's head and before she could say farewell to him, he fell unconscious to the floor. Cecelia erased some of Kaname's memories and then she bid goodbye. (Background song: Together Again by Evanescence) 

The whereabouts of Cecelia was currently unknown, until now...


->Young Kaname and Cecelia 

The Vow (A Kaname Kuran Love Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora