Update Five

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I cannot tell you how excited I am about the next chapter of The Forest...

Things are really coming together and there are a ton of scene twists coming up that include Grood, Theodor the donkey, Wisp's old lover (you'll be shocked at who it is), training from the magisters, Tink's departure to the Elven city, Aria and Enya's escape from the scithrin through the chasm, more from Chipper (the fat baking Blemper), a fight with the young prince, a burning library and much, much more.


In fact, I'm so busy writing I haven't had much time (in case you hadn't noticed) to record the audio version of the last several chapters. So stay tuned. I'll get on that...soon.

Most importantly, I NEED AN ASSISTANT! I'd like some help with proofreading, interacting with Wattpad community for tips and tricks, helping me really "nail it" on Wattpad and more and this would be a paid position at probably an hour a week commitment or so. If you're interested, I'll bet you can figure out how to contact me...

In the meantime, keep on enjoying life, keep on voting, keep on commenting, and keep your suggestions coming in!

World Leapers Book I: The ForestWhere stories live. Discover now