Tea with Fluttershy

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*Discord's POV*

"And then I said 'no ponying around you two' A ha ha ha!"

There I was. Sipping tea from tiny magenta teacups with fluttershy.

"Oh discord, you're so... A hehe......punny." She joked as embarrassment flooded her cheeks.

"Ahh Fluttershy you are too funny" I stated. She looks down, her pastel yellow face turning the cutest shade of pink. Her turquoise eyes looking up at me in realization that I was staring.

I turned away in embarrassment. What is wrong with me? I've never looked at fluttershy that way.

*Fluttershy's POV*

With my face between my hooves I looked up to see Discord staring at me. He's never given me that look before. I thought. He had the look of a loving father yet it felt more like a boyfriend. Kinda that gawd-shes-so-cute look.

My thought process was interrupted when he turned away from me, his face a shade of red. I looked over to see Angel bunny motioning towards his food bowl with a scowl and a tap of his foot. Sometimes I wanna cut that foot off, give myself a lucky rabbits foot. Maybe then I'd stop getting into stressful situations. Like when I had to go shopping to get stuff to make him a special salad cuz he could be like everyone else and eat a regular salad, and I could get the salad cuz my anxiety caused me to blow it. Yes rarity tried helping but I'm not the flirty type, and Pinkie's solution just confused me. You can do that!!!! You love Angel! Well yea but that rabbit foot would come in handy.

Within the time I've contradicted myself, I've filled his food bowl, fed the birds and the other animals, checked that mail and FORGOT ABOUT DISCORD!!

I looked over to see him filling our teacups and munching on cucumber sandwich. I sat in my chair next to the couch that Discord was sprawled out on. He offered me a sandwich, and I took it gracefully. I was still clinging onto the thought of possibly sawing off Angels foot cuz I had nothing else to think about. I unraveled my wings and gave them a shake.

My daze was interrupted by Angel stealing a sandwich and running towards the stairs. I watched as he huddled over it like it was his prized possession.

"Fascinating how animals cling to things like its the last time they'll have it. I understand it with a wild animal like a rabid bear or something, but a domestic pet? I don't get it." I stated all too seriously. The look Discord looked at me a bit dumbfounded like I'd asked how old he was or who was his first girlfriend or something.

"I'm not sure, I mean you are the animal expert right?" He stated in a matter-of-fact tone. "Maybe its instinct."


I stared off into the distance thinking about the intuitive instinct of an animal, why a rabbits foot would be good for me and why discord suddenly looks cute. Like a puppy... I thought.

I realized I was staring directly at discord. I was studying him. Like when twilight would study a new villain or when she just studied to study.


*Discords POV*

What a strange question.. Fluttershy asked me about why animals cling to things. I was watching her closely as her eyes followed Angel bunny--who might I add stole a sandwich. He ran to the steps that led to her bedroom. She watched him intently seemingly focused his behavior.

She's so adorable when she's focused on the strangest things. Angel was quite the mischievous little rabbit. Cute adorable and nothing but chaos for poor fluttershy.

"OH NO!!" She exclaimed rather urgently "I FORGOT ABOUT ME AND RARITY'S SPA DATE!!!!" she looked at me with sympathy in her eyes. "I'm so sorry discord but we'll have to finish our tea and sandwiches some other time."

"Oh don't sweat it flutters." I get up of her comfy couch and with the snap of a talon all the tea cups and the plate of sandwiches vanished with a faint pop, kinda like a bubble. I embraced her in a hug noticing angel scowling at me from the stairway.

I strolled out of her cozy cottage as she zipped passed me.

Simply adorable....

A Chaotic Love StoryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ