Night walks and talks

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"Oh my God! What the hell are they doing?" I was shocked.

"Umm, making out, I guess." Adam replied to me bashfully. I glared at him relentlessly. "Thank you for telling me. I thought they were playing football." I answered, keeping my sarcasm at minimum.

"Why is it bothering you? They are dating, after all." Adam couldn't understand my reaction.

"I don't have a problem with them making out. But.." I stopped as I was unable to find the right words.

"But what?" Adam was not letting it go.

"But, they could have closed the bloody windows!" I yelled.

"Its okay! Let us do that." He shrugged his shoulder.

'What does he mean?'

"What, what?" And, then he realised.

"Oh, no no! Not that! I meant about the windows." He pulled the curtains to make his point clear. I sighed.

"What are you doing?" He asked as I took my phone out and was about to call Olivia.

"Calling her." I pointed outside the window from the curtains.

"No, no you can't. They are having their moment there. Okay! Do not spoil it. Your call will disturb them. See, Leo is a nice guy. They both are 19 and know what they are doing." He took the phone from my hands and kept it inside his jeans back pocket.

"Hey!" I shouted. "You can not do that! Give it back." He ignored me and just went to sit on his bed. I followed him and sat next to him.

"Give me my phone back! I will not call her." I was afraid as my phone was currently without any passcode. I had so much written in my notes about him. Even though I knew he wouldn't look into my phone but still the thought,he having my phone scared me. I tried all the ways but still failed to get my phone back.

"Fine. Keep it." I said, giving up. I stood up and started to leave.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Here." He ran to me and handed over my phone. I smiled and took it.

"You are leaving?" He asked. I felt him to be a little restless.

"Yeah." I answered.

"Why?" He responded quickly.

"What do you mean why?" My eyebrows lowered.
I thought, 'Does he wants me to stay?'

"I mean, Leo and Olivia are, umm, are there. Where will you go?"

"For a walk. Mom and dad are out of town. Exams are done. So, I have nothing much to do." I realised I was using too much of hands while talking.

"Mind if I join?" I was stunned by his question.
'I'd be more than happy', I said in my head.

"No", was all that could come out of my mouth at that moment.

"No?" He couldn't make out what the no was for. I understood that.

"No, I wouldn't mind." I framed my sentence again.

"Okay!" Saying this he turned to get his jacket and meanwhile I did my happy dance, well obviously inside my head.

I was enjoying the way we were getting along in spite of the cold vibes we used to share. I couldn't feel them anymore. I could feel our friendship blooming.


One week passed, and our late night walks and talks became a routine. We had started to enjoy each other's company. Surprisingly, we had a lot in common. We liked the same things, we shared same interests, we admired the same people. We would never run out of words. We had something or the other to talk about, always.

We would sit on our windows, and talk for ours. Our balconies, being opposite to each other and having a very little distance between them, he would often jump over and come to me. We would talk from sense to senseless. Sometimes, we even laughed for hours even for little silly things. We share a special bond which was defintely no longer under the category of friendship. Yet, I haven't told him yet about my feelings thinking it might spoil even this little thing we have.

On the other hand, Olivia and Leo were blissful young lovers. They were enjoying their relationship. I was happy for Olivia. Sometimes, the least expected things happen and gives away the satisfaction and happiness.
Adam told me that Leo was planning to propose Olivia.


"What do you think? Which ring would she like?" Leo asked holding up the two rings that we finalised for Olivia. She was completely unaware of all of this.

"This!" Adam and I chose the same ring at once. Leo, smiled and kept the other ring down.

"I will take this." Leo handed over the ring to the sales clerk assigned to us. He smiled and took the ring. He went to pack the ring. Meanwhile, Adam and I looked at other rings to pass the time. It was strange how from not talking to each other, we were now suddenly hanging out together all the time. I thought if the change was only because of Leo and Oli dating or Adam really did had a change of heart.

Once the payment was done, we moved out of the store. Leo bought a dress for Olivia, as well. My sister was about to get engaged. At that moment, I was more than overwhelmed.

That night, as usual, Adam and I were in my balcony. We were talking and talking. It was 11:30 pm, when he came over. My eyes felt a bit heavy now. I looked at the time, it was 4 in the morning. See this is what am talking about! Time passes by so easily when Adam's around.

"I should probably go and sleep now. I have to go with my dad in the morning for some work. See you." Saying this Adam got up. I yawned, drowsily. I was tired. Suddenly, I felt a kiss on my forehead. I looked up. Adam didn't realise what he did. "Good Night" he said and left. A smile escaped my lips and I got back into my room, blushing.

"What?" Olivia noticed me smiling as I entered the room. She was still awake, texting Leo. I nodded in nothing.

"Are you guys seeing each other? You told him?" Olivia was now curious to know.

"Are you mad? We are just friends. Why would I tell him? And what? That I love him! No. I am getting time to spend with him, as a friend or however, doesn't matter. So, don't get any wrong ideas." I jumped into my bed, covered my face with my blanket and continued smiling like an idiot.

I thought, 'Night walks and talks really turned into something more or was it just in my imagination.'



"Maybe, it were the stars in the night sky or her glistening eyes that, every night he was swimming in his ocean of fantasies."

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