Drive In

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"Are you sure she would like the plan?" Leo asked for about the tenth time over the call.

"She will love it, Leo. Stop worrying." I assured him the tenth time. It was 8 pm. Leo was proposing Olivia today. We were having our spring session break. Though, Leo decided to propose her 5 months back but Olivia wanted to wait and not hurry into anything. Its been 7 months since they started dating. They were a happy couple. Not that they never had fights or anything. They did had fights and breakups but that is what every relationship have. These are the things that make a relationship strong. At least, I feel this way.

Leo has been revising his perfect proposal plan since last 3 months. All the arrangements were done. Today, it will be executed, finally. Adam and Leo, left in the morning itself. I joined them in the afternoon but came back in the evening to pick Olivia up. She was completely unaware of the happening.

"Where are we going?" Olivia asked.

"I don't know. Adam texted me an address. I am just blindly following it." Olivia thought it was something related to Adam and I. But, it wasn't. It was the plan to take Adam's name repeatedly and to make Olivia think that way.

Olivia's face lit up as we reached the drive in. Adam waved at us and I pulled over.

"They are there. Why are you stopping here?" Olivia pointed towards from where Adam waved at us.

"That's the plan, baby." Leo was next to our car in a black Range Rover, of course rented.

"Leo? Oh my! Is that a Range Rover?" Olivia beamed looking at her favourite person in her favourite car. Leo nodded and stepped out of the car. He went to Olivia, got the door for her and asked, "May I?"

"Yes." Olivia gave her hand into Leo's and stepped out. She followed him to the Range Rover.

"I have got a special spot for us." Leo roared the engine to life and drove to the centre of the drive in. As they reached where they were supposed to be, Adam signalled a man standing beside the screen. It was a signal to play the movie. Olivia was sitting on the car's roof while Leo stood next to her on the ground.

"Olivia!" The movie started. Olivia turned towards the screen as she heard her name. Leo kept looking at her.

"I've been here before
But always hit the floor
I've spent a lifetime running
And I always get away
But with you I'm feeling something
That makes me want to stay

I'm prepared for this
I never shoot to miss
But I feel like a storm is coming
If I'm gonna make it through the day
Then there's no more use in running
This is something I gotta face"

Olivia's eyes already had hint of tears as the slideshow of their pictures progressed. Leo was singing along which made the lyrics even more meaningful. I was smiling at them. "Its going perfect." Adam whispered in my ear. I had goosebumps as I felt his breath on my neck. I was so involved looking at the couple that I didn't notice when Adam joined me.

"If I risk it all
Could you break my fall?"

Leo and Olivia were looking into each other's eyes, holding hands.

"How do I live? How do I breathe?
When you're not here I'm suffocating
I want to feel love, run through my blood
Tell me is this where I give it all up?
For you I have to risk it all
Cause the writing's on the wall"

Leo sang the lines, meaningly. Olivia was crying and smiling, both at once. And, then Leo walked to the front of the car and kneeled down. He was joined by a group of kids, each holding a red rose bouquet and white lilies, alternately. Leo took out the ring box from his blazer's pocket. Behind him the screen had him, too. There were cameras placed all around, recording every moment and showing it live as well on the screen.

He opened the box with the ring we chose for Olivia months ago and Blink by Ed Drewett started to play. The kids and Leo started dancing to the song. The music filled the air. All our friends from college, who were already there in their cars, joined.

"You said you always liked me more,
I'm sad and angry leaving pencils by your door,
Oh draw me a smiley face,

Sharpen up your feelings babe
Write with me just one more line
And say me you're on my side"

Andrew and Bruce, two of the guys from our baseball team and Adam's gang, brought Olivia on their shoulders to Leo. He took her from them and made her stand as she fumbled a little because of too much of excitement all around.

And the music stopped.

Leo went back to his knees.

"My life was nothing but a mess. I liked it that way. I met so many girls who were eagerly waiting to clean my messy life. Maybe, they never understood me. Then, at that party I met this girl named Olivia. She was looking beautiful. I approached her and we had a chat. I came to know she wasn't just beautiful outside but inside as well. She had something different about her but I couldn't make out what was it. We talked the whole night, literally. With her, it was something I had never felt before. She was cool. We started seeing each other and for the first time, I wanted it to work out. I wanted to see her everyday for the rest of my life. I wanted to kiss her everyday for the rest of my life. I wanted to hold her hand and walk with her for the rest of my life. I wanted to hug her whenever she would breakdown and take all her pain away for the rest of my life. I wanted to make her smile and laugh for the rest of my life. But then I thought, why her? Why not anyone else? Because she is different, was my answer. She was different, indeed. But there was really one difference about her that had actually made me fall in love with her. And the difference was that like others she didn't wanted to clean my messed up life. She actually understood me. She actually shared my messy life and gave her contribution to the mess, as well. That was when I realised that yes, this is the one. This is my girl."

Everyone stood in silence. No one had ever expected these words would come from Leo. Olivia stood there in awestruck. He continued.

"So today, I Leonard Ray Sebastian, ask this girl, Miss Olivia Ryan Heather, will you be my girl, my wife, my everything for the rest of my life because I have fallen for that smile, those eyes and lips, your words and YOU. You are crazy and I am out of mind. Cause all of me loves all of you. Love your curves and all your edges. All your perfect imperfections. Give your all to me, I'll give my all to you. You're my end and my beginning. Even when I lose I'm winning. So, yes or no?"

Damn! He quoted John Legend's All of me. Olivia and I, love that song. I looked at her. She was almost ready to burst into tears. Leo had the ring in his hand and was on his knees. Everyone was looking at Olivia now.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes, for all of my lives. Yes!" She cried.

Leo got up and hugged her. Tears rolled down her cheeks and he kissed them away. She then came to me and showed her ring to me. "I was there when he bought the ring." I teased her. "You knew all this and still kept it from me." She tried to clear her voice and speak. "It wouldn't have been this awesome then!" I hugged her.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around to see who it was. "Congratulations, Leo!" I exclaimed and hugged him. "Emma, thank you for everything." Leo smiled. "Shut up! Keep your thank you with you and tell me what's the plan now?" I punched him lightly on his forearm.

"We head to the pier." Adam joined.



"There is no perfect moment. You take the moment and make it perfect."

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