2.) The Magical World

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September 1st, 2001, Saturday..

Bianca's POV:

Summer passed by so swiftly that Bianca wished there was another month to enjoy life as a normal eleven-year-old girl. But ever since that morning, when the Headmistress and the Minister of Magic came for a visit, things were never the same again.

By night, after dinner, Mom had to tell Dad, Kiera, and Amy what she really was and what they both were, and this received a negative response from the three. Muggles they were; it scared them that they had been living with two magical beings, one of whom was new to the whole magic business.

But since they loved them both, they had learned to accept them, and their beautiful summer as a family continued. Bianca's siblings, being half-bloods, wondered if they got to be sent to study at Hogwarts once they turned eleven. Unfortunately, their muggle blood reigned at birth, so they don't have the ability. However, if they are brave enough, they can take the same potion she did to awaken their powers, but it will not be the same case with her. It will be uncontrollable, like Hermione Granger's case or worse.

It has been decided both by Mom and Dad to keep Kiera and Amy muggles to not raise suspicion from Dad's side of the family, as it was never known that he married a witch. Her two siblings eventually agreed it was for the best and did not argue with their parents further.

The ministry was convinced that Bianca was not a threat to the other student's safety, so she was allowed to attend the wizarding school. However, for safety measures, her bed will be warded with a special protective charm from the books of her ancestors to avoid harming her roommates in case she gets a bad dream.

It ticked her off that she and her mother were labeled as "unknown" by the ministry. She wished then that she was in Kiera and Amy's place and would never have to deal with that awful label. But after reading a lot of The Daily Prophet's past issues and current ones, she felt somewhat relieved that she didn't belong to a family with death-eater relatives. She also got to read all about the Golden Trio and the Battle of Hogwarts. It would be great to meet the famous three one day.

Kiera and Amy insisted on coming with Mom and Dad and Bianca to King's Cross Station. They were not allowed to go with her when she bought her things at Diagon Alley, so they insisted on coming today, the day they would see her off to Hogwarts Express.

Everyone helped, making sure she packed everything she needed. Looking at her ticket for probably the hundredth time, she couldn't understand why there was such a Platform 9 3/4 at King's Cross Station. Since her mom was taught magic at home and went to a normal muggle school, she had no idea what it meant.

Just as they approached the wall separating platforms 9 and 10, they saw a family running towards the wall between the two platforms and disappearing. Holding on to her trolley, Bianca looked back at her parents and siblings and smiled. They all grinned, and her rowdy siblings ran together with her straight to the wall with their eyes closed.

Feeling they had crossed another border, they opened their eyes together and giggled as they read Platform 9 3/4 Hogwarts Express on the signage. Their parents followed a few seconds later and were both in awe too.

"This is it, Patty; you're finally going to Hogwarts. We'll miss you." Her dad hugged her tight, and tears rolled down her face. It was the first time she would be away from home to study at a boarding school.

"There, there, darling. You'll be alright. Headmistress McGonagall will be closely watching you for us. Study hard." Her mom hugged Bianca fiercely before letting go and wiping away her tears.

"I'll definitely miss your cooking, Mom."

"Be kind, love. I heard house elves cooking are divine. You'll live." They all laughed at this point. Kiera cried, hugging her, and Amy was teary-eyed.

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