10.) Andrea Shaneley

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     Bianca's POV:

     It's been a week since the Dance and our little group had a new member: Andrea Shaneley. We had been asking her to join us for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Ever since she volunteered to have her older sister do our make up, and after knowing girls had been a bit cruel to her just because she was gorgeous, we felt it's our responsibility to take her under our wing and be friends with her.

     We were all studying in the Great Hall after lunch when we heard other girls gossip about Andrea.

     "Well, looks like the harlot had finally found some folks to believe her pity story and they took her in." One of their housemates, Farrah Gregory, who is a year older than them said to her friends and stared menacingly at Andrea who was busy giggling with what Kim was saying to Rye. Totally unaware that trash talk on her expense was happening just a little bit across them.

     "Lucky her she has the Ice Princess by her side, no one would dare talk sh*t while she is within earshot—"

     "Actually I am within earshot, and it's a shame you lot got sorted in the noble house of Ravenclaw when what you have been doing for probably your whole lives is gossip. And trash talk. Which is obviously the dumbest thing you could do. I suggest you get yourselves sorted again. But I highly doubt even Slytherin would take you in." Bianca was not able to hold herself and spoke while she seemed to be calm as her eyes never left her Charms homework.

     She took her eyes off from what she was doing before she heard them talking nonsense. Feeling irritated, faced them with her head held high. Her eyes no doubt furious.

     They all look visibly pale. Everyone in the Great Hall fell silent. She felt Andrea tugging her school robe, asking her to stand back. But Kim and Rye's emotions on their spirit bond was of anticipation and curiosity. Bianca has never been so aggravated her whole stay at the Hogwarts castle as much as she was ticked off now.

     "Anything else you need to say about Andy? You can say it in front of me, you can say it in front of her friends." She challenged the group of five pathetic girls who were visibly shaking down to their feet.

     "Nothing? Oh, I do have some things to say. Harlot is not a word you can use on another female unless you have enough proof she is one. Another? It's not Andy's problem you girls are so daft not to be friends with someone just because of such shallowness as beauty.

     "You girls stay away from her. The next time you spread another gossip about her or anyone I care about, I won't be so kind."  The dark haired Ravenclaw said finally and went back to doing her homework like nothing out of the ordinary happened. She felt the pathetic girl group left and ran away from the Great Hall.

     "That was wicked, girl! I knew those dumb blondes had been talking trash since we started here in Hogwarts." Rye said, giving her a high five.

     "That will teach them a lesson to stop saying nasty things about any student or person in generally. They should be worrying about their N.E.W.T.S instead of making others feel bad about themselves." Kim added as the brunette continued to chew some roasted chicken while studying.

     "Oh, Bianca! You should have left them to their miserable rumblings. Farrah and her group always gossiped about everyone in these halls." Andy said, teary eyed from appreciation. Bianca opened her arms and hugged their newfound friend. Andy has suffered for so long she had been immune to all the pain caused by being bullied by those girls.

     "They were obviously afraid of me. I just used that to my advantage and scared them off." Bianca said in a matter of fact way. "They won't bother you anymore."

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