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[[[[[[Three Years Later]]]]]]

I collapsed onto the king sized bed. My father just kept throwing surprises left and right. There was a knock on the door. 

"Rain" Juliet called. 

"What" I asked with my voice muffled into the bed. The door opened. 

"We have to leave in ten minutes" She stated. I groaned and got up. 

"Alright. Wear your best outfit" I stated and walked into our closet. I grabbed another suit and everything else I needed. I took a quick shower. I combed my hair down. The past two years I added light blond highlights. Now I seemed to be a real hit with the girls. Even a few guys. I was standing at the sink wearing the pants and like sports bra with no straps. Juliet came walking in. 

"Lets wrap your boobs up Rain" She stated. I sighed. 

"I hate the wrap" I stated. She started to wrap my chest up. It was so tight. She helped me pull the shirt on and do up the buttons. I looked at her as I did up my tie.

She wore a yellow and pink short sundress with high heels. Her blond hair pulled up with lots of curls. A few dirty blond pieces in her hair. I smiled. 

"Nice" I stated. She smiled. After I finished getting dressed we walked out holding hands. After driving twenty minutes to the talk show of William Peters we held hands as we stepped out. Cameras flashed like nuts. I gently tugged Juliet closer and kissed her. That's when they all went nuts. Questions came flying but we just smiled and entered into the silent building. 

"Mm minty" Juliet giggled.

"Mister Rain. Can I speak to you" A guy asked walking over to us. He was pretty small. 

"Sure thing. Babe stay right here. Don't move" I stated letting her go. I walked with the man out of her sight and hearing range. He held up a black box. 

"Your father told me its time" He stated. I took the box. I opened it and frowned. It was a diamond engagement ring. 

"Um okay thanks" I stated. He frowned. 

"Is it not the right one sir?" He asked. 

"No no its fine. Just didn't think he'd have me do it on national television" I stated. He shrugged. I took the ring out and stuck it into my jacket pocket. I walked back over to her just as a girl came running out from a door further ahead. 

"Mister Rain. Your on in a few minutes we need to get you and your girlfriend ready" She called. I led Juliet to the girl. It was boring getting set up with a mic. 

"Hello everyone. I am William Peters. A talk show host. I am here with the highly admired Rain Matthews. Son and future owner of Matthews Lawyer and investment banking. Now Rain. Your father put together law and banking. People say that's to much work. How do you feel about it" He asked. I chuckled. 

"Its tough but I think I can do it. My father has right?" I asked. He chuckled to. 

"Yes indeed. This is your girlfriend Juliet right?" He asked. I nodded and grabbed Juliet's hand squeezing it. 

"Yes sir she is" I stated. 

"Shes very beautiful" He stated. 

"Yes she is. Not only that. Shes smart, caring, very energetic and very helpful" I stated. 

"That's nice. Lets go to commercial and see you back here in a few minutes" Williams stated. After the guy called out that it was off air. William fixed his tie. I looked at Juliet. She moved and laid her head on my shoulder.  After a few minutes the guy called out they were going back on air but Juliet didn't move.

"Welcome back. I am William Peters. Still with me is Rain Matthews and his girlfriend Juliet. Rain we had people send questions to our email for you to answer. We would like to ask you some of them" He stated. 

"Please go ahead" I stated. He picked up a stack of papers from the table. 

"This is from Kyla in Idaho. Dear Rain. Me and my girlfriends want to know how big your muscles are" He stated. 

"Honestly not very big. I'm somewhat weak" I smiled. He chuckled. 

"This ones from Henrietta in the big apple. Dear mister Rain. From what those pictures look like from your trip to Hawaii you have a girlish figure. Have you ever dressed up as a girl?" William asked. I chuckled. 

"Sorry no. I've always had this girly figure. Its the way I was born" I stated. 

"But there's always a good thing to looking like a girl. You can easily comfort anyone with a smile" Juliet stated. I pulled her close and kissed her. 

"Yes there is" I stated. She blushed. 

"Well that's all for now. Rain I have one last question before you go" He stated. I held up my pointer finger. 

"Can I say something first?" I asked. He tilted his head curiously. 

"Of course" He stated. I got up and brought Juliet up with me. I moved so the cameras could see me. I spoke loud enough so they could hear it. 

"Juliet. I love you with all my heart and soul. I don't just love you for your looks. I love you because your always there for me. Making sure I'm not late. You laugh to distract me from melting my brains with work. And you make some really amazing food. You have to teach me how to cook sometime. Because if you agree to this" I stated and got down on one knee pulling the ring out of my pocket. 

"We will have the rest of our lives together so you can try to teach me. Juliet Vyne. Will you marry me?" I asked. She just stared down at me with her mouth hanging open. 

"Juliet your gonna catch some flies if you leave your mouth open like that" I stated chuckling. She shook her head and tears started to spill. 

"Of course I'll marry you Rain" She choked out. I slid the ring on her finger and stood back up. I pulled her into a hug kissing her cheek. 

"I love you Juliet" I stated. 

"I.. I love you to Rain" She cried. 

"Congrats Rain and Juliet. You witnessed it yourself folks. Rain has finally proposed to Juliet. Have a good day everyone" William stated. I gave Juliet a peck on the lips. After they said we could leave I led a still tearing up Juliet out of the building. And of course the reporters were going nuts. 

"Congratulations Rain. How many kids are you guys planning to have". 

"Where do you want your honeymoon to be at". We got into the car that was waiting. We then got back to the apartment. I sighed once we walked through the door. I started taking my tie off.

"Congrats Rain" My dad stated when we entered the living room to see him sitting on the couch.

"Just doing what I'm supposed to" I stated. He nodded. He didn't look happy though. And when he picked up a pistol from beside him I instantly froze.

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