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Asting innocently looked up at me, my t-shirt almost going down to her knees. I looked at the floor, giving all I had to keep myself from flushing pink. I raised my head up, leaning against the doorframe. "Yeah." She turned on her heel and shuffled towards my bed. My shirt rose on her back as she crawled in on one side, and I resisted looking at her ass no matter how bad I wanted to. I couldn't let my feelings get the best of me on this one. I could already tell Asting was a special girl.

I got in the bed on the other side, waiting for her to move closer to me or do something. But she didn't, and I soon realized that she was already sleeping. She let out a small sigh and subconsciously shifted, her hair brushing my bare skin, giving me goosebumps. I looked down at her in the dim light, studying her. The way her nose tipped up at the end, the way her long eyelashes rested against her cheeks, the way her caramel colored hair fell over her shoulder. She was perfection but I knew she wasn't mine. Nor would she ever be.

Sometime in the morning I was awoken to the dark and silent room. An arm had been slung around my torso during the night. I temporarily panicked before remembering the situation from last night. I noticed Asting had kicked the sheets almost all the way off of us and her shirt was pulled up again, exposing some of her stomach. She moved again, and I gently reached forward to grab the covers and pull them over us again. I didn't realize that Asting had moved closer to me until I felt her skin against mine, sending another chill through me.


While it may have seemed like I was sleeping, I was plenty aware of what I was doing as I scooted closer to Joey's warm body in the bed. I played my moves off his actions, his breathing patterns, the way he had sighed deeply when he first awoke. In a few minutes I would blink my eyes, pretending to have just woken up. I'm sure my ears had flushed a bit as I thought of his face smiling down at me, and the way his unshaven cheek would rub against mine as I buried my face in the crook of his neck.

My thoughts came crashing down as reality came rushing back to me. He probably had a girlfriend, probably was just trying to be nice to me, probably had no other attraction to me whatsoever. I sighed at the prospect of this, but still carried out my act. I slowly opened my eyes, blinking a couple times as Joey came into focus. He in fact, was not smiling, but instead simply locking his bright blue eyes on mine, almost hypnotizing me, watching my every move.

"Good morning, dear," he said in a low raspy voice that sent my brain spiraling into another torrent of dirty thoughts. I snuggled closer to his chest, suddenly abandoning all negative reasoning I had about him.  His arm snaked around me and I relaxed against him. "Good morning," I whispered, not daring to look up at him again. He hugged me tightly and it was heaven, even if it was just for just a minute or two. "I'll be in the kitchen," he said to me, before releasing me and rolling over. I felt the bed shift as he stood up, and I peeked out from under the covers just in time to see him stepping into a pair of sweatpants and leaving the room.

a/n- oml the mood this gets me in holy shit

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