Dear Diary...

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Dear Diary,

Today is Halloween. All my friends are getting dressed up and I'm sitting in art class wondering if I should sneak out, or stay home. As I work dilligently on my project, I hear back ground voices talking about what houses there going to, which haunted houses are the best and what their dressing up as. My dad doesn't allow me to celebrate halloween because he belives it's the devils holliday. He could be right, he could be wrong. All I know is I really want to go out and trick-or-treat. Would it be wrong to sneak out? Would I get caught? I don't doubt it...


"Paige what are you going to be for Halloween?" A girl in my art class named Danni asks me

"Oh, well I'm not allowed to go trick or treating"

"Why not!"

"My dad doesn't allow me too"

"Well you could come with me and my friend if you want..."

"Yeah, I'll think about it"

"Paige you really need to go! It's so much fun" My friend Cody adds

"I said I'll think about it" I smile then go back to work on my sketch

 When the bell rings, I grab my backpack and put my art work back on the shelf and go to my last hour.


"Hola Senor Reese"

I walk past him and take my seat in the back. My friends Ariel and Leo start talking about what their doing for halloween.

"I'm going out as a bunny" Ariel says

"I'm going as an mp3 player" Leo brags

"Wow, that's lame" She states "What are you doing Paige?"

"I'm not allowed to celebrate halloween"

"What!?" Leo says

"Yeah, it sucks."

"What are you doing tonight then?" Ariel asks


"Man. That really sucks" She says "Me and Leo are going to this really cool haunted house then going trick or treating."

"Sounds fun!"

"We'll take pictures!"

"Thanks guys"

"Alright class, good after noon, let's get started......"

Spanish ends quickly and I go to my locker to gather my books.

"Hey!" I look to my left and see Randy, my best bud from Biology opening his locker


"You should seriously consider coming with us" He says

"No thanks"

"Come on!"

"I can't!


"No thanks, I'm fine"

"Alright whatever, catch ya later" He says and walks off

I finish putting my books in my back pack and run out to the bus. I get on mine and seconds later were on the road. Another half an hour passes and I arrive home.

"I'm home!" I yell then look down at the kitchen counter, there's a note.

Dear Paige,

We all left to Chicago for your brothers tournament. We'll be back in a week on Sunday.

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