Chapter 2- I love him.

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Dear Diary,

I told my self he was the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. He told me he was going to love me forever. Then one night, he left. He disappeared. There was no trace of him anywhere. I searched high and low, I called every city, I called every school but he was no where to be found. I thought maybe he had died. But I told my self he was out there somewhere. Then last night, the strangest thing happened. I was in this really lame haunted house when all of a sudden, a man starts to kiss me. Call me crazy, but I think it might have been Jayden. Remember him? I used to tell you about him all the time. His lips were always soft and he left me with a tingly feeling all over my body. It has to be him. I didnt see his face, because it was too dark. Is it weird how giggly I am? I havent felt this way since he left. It feels good to be happy. At least for a moment...


"Hey Paige!"

"Hey Amanda" I say to one of my close friends

"You wanna hang out tonight?" She asks

"Oh I dunno, I have a lot of home work to catch up on." I say

"Really? Well, I have EXCELLENT news for you!" Amanda giggles

Tell me he's back. Please tell me he's back..

"I asked Kyle to the dance and he said yes!" Amanda confesses


"You asked who?" I ask in shock

"Kyle...." She states slowly

"Oh." Lovely. That was supposed to be MY date. Now what do I do?

"That's great! But I've got to get to class! See ya" I say then walk to first hour.

My first hour consists of me, Erin, Kayla, Will, And Sam. Were tight as ever and all hang out like family. Theres also our epic teacher Milly. She's only like 23 and likes people to call her Milly.

Since Erin isn't here, its just me, Kayla, Will and Sam.

"Hey guys" I say

"What's up?" Sam asks

"Where's Erin?" Will asks

"She's in Chicago for my brothers basetball tournament" I answer

"Oh yeah, that's why there's a party..." Sam says

"Yeah, you guys should come early to help me set up" I smile

They all look around "Sounds good to us!" Will says

"Great! Just come after school"

"CLASS! SIT DOWN!" Milly yells with her sweet blonde hair in a teased pony tail and the class does as told.

"Today were learning about how to diagram a sentence."

The class groans

"It's senior year Milly! We already know this!" Some kid yells

"That's what I thought you'd say, so I have a worksheet with like 10 questions on it. Do this and then you can do what ever you want for the rest of the hour. But if I stand up and start teaching, it's because someone is walking by! So pay attention. ya go." She hands us papers and I finish mine in a couple minutes.

"Hey what's the answer for number 4?" Kayla asks

I look at mine, and give Kayla the sheet.

"So did you hear whos back in town?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2011 ⏰

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