chapter 1

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Zayn POV

Just another day of listening to my dad coming home drunk yeah getting ready to go to school but I make sure my little sisters are okay my older sister is away at college she was able to get away from all this s*** but she is sad that she left us behind but we told her if you'd rather her be able to get out when she could I told her I'd look after the younger ones because let's just say our father is somebody you can't really respect our mother is ill and everything she does what she can she works 3 jobs on top of it I just wish there was some way my mother me and my sisters can get out of this I mean at night with my mom and dad fight I have to go into my sisters around and make sure they're ok I would do anything to protect them yeah I hide behind this bad boy image but yet inside I'm broken

Is now 6 a.m. and I'm leaving to go to school but before I go to school at 7 I better get my sister's up and make sure they're all clean and everything and walk them to their school then I'll meet up with my two best friends or I should say my three best friends Niall James Horan Harry Styles and Michael Clifford the four of us stay too close together and they have been my friends for years and Harry and I will do anything to help me out and Michael's situation is somewhere to mine so yeah we kind of help each other figure out what to do

Almost forgot to mention my other two best friends there females that would be Gigi Hadid and Cher Lloyd those girls are always there when we need them sometimes I don't know where I would be without my 5 best friends

Zane walks into his sister's room hey girls time to get up for school gotta have your breakfast and everything get your uniforms on and make sure everything goes okay when you get to school I'm so sick and tired of you girls not getting a chance to rest because of dad and his issues

Zayn little sister hey don't worry about it so much you do what you can for us and everything you're the best big brother there is I mean you protect us from everything so don't worry about it I just hope they will get out of here soon someday I mean you go to school you work 2 jobs to help Mom because the fact is an ass

I know that you want my sister remember that my father better drink and go out and get in with the wrong crowd and sold drugs and s*** then be there for his family yeah he gets high all the time and everything is just stuff I wish I didn't have to deal with and I need to have the proof to get out of this situation I mean I'm 18 sure I'm old enough to leave but I wouldn't do that to my mother and I wouldn't do that to my younger sisters

That's why I'm working so hard in school to get my degree and everything in that and get my credits and get something to make something of myself so I can be there for my sisters and my mother and my mother is ill so I don't know how long she has left if anything happened to her I vowed to take care of my sister's cuz I know for sure my father will never do that it's time to get my sister's to school and myself let's hope today is a good day

Later on in the day I'm finally at school day is going okay until all this and I'm starting to get bored again because of my Heritage and s*** I wish people would understand what's going on around past couple teachers in the corridor and then one of them was mr. Louis Tomlinson I guess the other one was the new teacher and they have one I think his name is mr. Payne or something I was thinking to myself to mr. Payne was pretty cute hopefully I'll get him from one of my teachers and I'm secretly gay but I'm not really secretly I'm openly gay about it that's another thing that my father don't give a s*** about yeah I don't have the best home life sometimes is enough to make me want to cut more the hide that stuff for my sister's cuz I don't want them to know that I do that because I don't want them to think that I'm not strong but even the toughest nut breaks

As I was running out the door I couldn't help but feel that there was two teachers are really wanted to help me something reason I've got a feeling that mr. Payne just somebody I can talk to because that's what I heard about him he was always great to see students in old school and everything so he said he should be able to get along with all of us I just pray and hope that that's true because right now I really think I can use all the help I can get

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