chapter 2

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Liam POV

For some reason the rest of the day like I said I couldn't get that kid out of my mind I end up having him after lunch but for some reason he seems so broken he concentrated on his work and everything and he was polite and everything when you left was something about that Zayn Malick kid I really need to find out what's up with him

Just then there was a knock on my door and I looked up to see my uncle coming in to see how things were going

Principal Simon Cowell how's things going on your first day here and how is your mother doing and everything and that cuz I haven't seen my sister in a while

Liam things are going really great and everything with her and my dad that it's just I wish that I understood why my ex boyfriend and everything was a douchebag but yeah other than that it was great and I like being here and everything is just some very concerned about one's doing it cuz you seem so shy and he seems so broken I'm thinking his name is Zayn Malik and there's another one I think is a little bit broken to Michael Clifford but more so than I hate it when I see you kids going through things you know

Principal Simon Cowell that's one thing I can count on about you you've always had a kind heart my boy and everything but you gotta understand you gotta take the time to get to know these things and yes you're right those two boys are broken because I've heard a lot of stories and that but there's no proof for them to get out of it and I know that they're both 18 years old and old enough to go off on their own but from what I heard they have younger siblings and stuff at their houses and they will not leave them because of the situation that's being big protective brother so they're very good kids he's just there in the situation that they should never be in a lot of stuff I've heard about their situations and I can't really go into that you know confidentially and all but they could probably talk to you themselves if they need a confidence but just be patient with them they're both fragile from what I've heard I can tell you that much

Liam yeah I guess you're right and everything but I'm going to do the best I can and being one of the best teachers to them as I can and be there for all my students because that's the way I am and if it was boys ever feel like they want to confide in me then I'll be here if you ever need a friend to help them get out of a situation then I'll be here but I'm not going to pry I guess I understand the confidentiality Rule and everything but if they need to talk to me about anything I'm here because that's what teachers are for trying to educate the kids and be your friend if they need it that's the way I look at it because I think you gotta have someone in your corner

Principal Simon Cowell that's why I knew that you would definitely fit in here at Bradford High because you're always knowing what to do and who to contact to talk and you go to the proper channels and everything and you don't pry but you're there for the kids when they needed you and I'm good to know that you can be a friend and a mentor if they need it also I want to know if any of the girls have been throwing themselves at you yet because you've had that problem before

Liam yeah earlier this morning and second. I had a couple of girls by the name of Jean Jessie Leigh Anne and Perrie Edwards actually that's for who were all just really flirting with me big time especially that Edwards girl I tell you sometimes I wish they'd get the hint that I'm not really into them and I don't swing that way I mean they were going to eventually find out that I'm gay and then they're going to probably try harder because people always want to try to get the seduce the gay teacher is just a game that they play these days from what I've heard and by the way I am going to step up and be the UK football team soccer coach this year since you said you couldn't get one I don't mind filling in doing that for you to help out because I used to coach that too

Principal Simon Cowell that would be really great thanks anyway I'm going to head I will try and get my lunch and everything is almost lunch time you should head to lunch too I just wanted to check in on you because you are my nephew and make sure you're fitting in around here if you need anything you know where my office and loves to but I'm not giving you special treatment because you're my nephew but you know what I mean just basic stuff as a teacher

Liam when dream about you give me special treatment and that but I like how they got it all change now here in the UK that if a teacher is in their twenties they can do the students of 18 and older because I mean that's not a big gap in the 18 year old and older students are considered adults under 18 and that I understand them not dating them and the same thing for them dating teachers older than their twenties cuz that's why I have a big gap so yeah that's a pretty reasonable law they got going now

Principal Simon Cowell yes it is and it's a really good thing to do because that way no teachers get in trouble for falling in love with a student that's very mature or something like that that's in the right age that is of course
But they have to know the difference to keep their relationship and their schooling separate do not allowed to show any special treatment and stuff but other than that they can have lunch together and be normal couple on that but when it comes to classes and stuff to teach you shouldn't give special treatment they get in trouble for that other than that it's great for them

Liam well I would definitely keep it separate if I ever got was one of the male students here in this school because you know I wouldn't get with one of the girls considering I am of course gay but I believe in being there as their friend and everything and trying to tell the girls that they're like they still don't care I will do anything I tell you like I said those girls are flirting with me earlier and one of my math classes this morning and young. Words actually unbutton her blouse to show a bit of her cleavage to me I didn't think that was very appropriate I told her about that and give it attention for it I mean she's not even eighteen yet she's like 17 that's really something I can't take into consideration I mean she has to have more dignity than that

Principal Simon Cowell yeah she's on the school cheerleaders will try to get in any guy's pants even any of the male teachers I tell you she has to learn to have more respect for a body like that she has to be when is Zayn Malik's best friends that before she changed and then she just started hanging around with the wrong crowd he never looked at her the same way again

Well I was kinda upset that she would do that to the Boys At least I heard he had 5 that's friends they can always count on but still I wish I could understand more about his situation

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