chapter 9

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Liam POV

I know that you can do this right baby and I'm by your side to the song I know I was going to wait till tonight and talk to you about all of this but I had to come your boyfriend me for this because I know that I love you to death and if anything happened to you right now and I never told you I don't know where I would start is where my words to zayn before he got ready to walk into that house

Zayn baby I'm scared I mean this is the first time I'm actually going to go in there with a wire on I hope my father doesn't Discover it

Liam listen to me that he will not Discover it I'll be by your side by the hanging out front door I'm not going in there cuz he doesn't know about me yet but hopefully everything work out I was Scotland yard go and just at the right time

Zayn okay I guess you're right I'm ready to do this but I pray and hope that everything goes the way it's supposed to like I said okay let's do this

I watched him go in there I couldn't believe I was about to let him do that but I have to have been broken for so long his life depended on this so does his sister's is the only way for him to take his father down hopefully everything will work out so I can be with him tonight safe and sound at my house I am never ever letting my poor baby get hurt again and I'm making a promise now if you're watching over him mrs. Malik I will take care of your kids that's a promise

Zayn POV

I compare myself to go inside because I knew it was time for me to take my father down and in my sister's room there with him too and I could tell he was scared cuz I heard my father screaming and everything have you told them they're worthless and everything in that when you pick them out they're not making the money in that and their mother was not worth anything all that stuff is making me see and because my father isn't as my mother was the best woman there ever was I love her to death and now I'm going to miss her and sisters and I always cared because we need we had her in a corner no matter how scared she was she was there for us now it's time to take down the signs that he was called himself Our Father

Zayn hey Dad I'm home from school it sorry it took me awhile to get here and everything but I had to have tension and stuff because of what you did today at school they overheard you fighting with me but they didn't know what was going on I had to try to cover it up

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