Part 2

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"Peanug! What's wrong with you.." Nutia said as Peanug left his tears behind. "MY DOG! MY DOG IS DEAD! HE'S NO LONGER WITH US! DAMMIT! I MUST FIND HIM! Peanug walked out with the most serious look in the world. He said to Nutia "Lets go find JoJo my waifu." Okay..." Nutia said. The cursed JoJo emereged from the water with revenge in his eyes. Then, he saw what looked like Peanug's silhouette he barked and growled. Peanug was coming closer. JoJo ran up to the silhouette to see that it was a zombie Mayor Peanut. JoJo bit and bit and bit but nothing worked he remember Doge sounded like the Mayor so the Mayor was trying to get his revenge. JoJo's transformation was almost done. He had lost most of his hair. His tail was shorter. But, JoJo woke up running out of breath he came up from the water he looked around He saw the silhouette again but it was Peanug. JoJo rammed into his shell shatering it and started biting over and over Nutia was trying to get him off of the Naked Peanug. Peanug finally got up and ran to the hospital.

His wounds were healed. One of the doctors had JoJo's Head for a split second. Peanug couldn't figure out what just happend to him. He thought and realized JoJo was the one who almost killed him. He went home that day. He ate a nut apple and said "An apple a day won't keep the Peanug away. " JoJo ran jntil he saw a happy family A man, his wife, and his child "Mommy! Look! A Dog" said the child. "Can we keep him!" "What are you going to name him." "I'm gonna call him Jotaro Kujo but his nickname will be JOJO!" "We will keep him honey." said the man "YAY!" "Roof!" "Roff!" went JoJo


Nut Shell Volume 2: Alot Of NutsWhere stories live. Discover now