Part 5: Ultimate Finale

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     Peanug walked out the door to see what just happend, he saw a bulldog. "Hmph... that's not JoJo. JoJo the Pug came running down the fucking dirty ass, shity ass, fucked up sneekers footprint ass road. Peanug used his ninja training  and did a motherfucking backflip kick directly to JoJo's chin. JoJo cried out in pain as Nutia tackled the God Damm baby and thew her onto the glossy hardwood floors. Lia got up and activated soul mode with her mother. The red and blue hearts flew at each other clashing while making an explosion "999999999" showed up as the Sans theme started but Nutia power level was over 9,000 (1,000,000,000,000,000) Lia's power was also over 9,000
(1,000,000,000,000,001). Peanug turnt around and check their power level while shouting "IT'S OVER 9,000". They kept clashing as JoJo got up and bit Peanug shit covered pinky finger. Peanug used FALCON POWANCH sending JoJo to Pluto and back. "Uppercut of Victory" Peanug said as uppercutted the flying JoJo. Lia has used all of her Gi on her Nutkoken Nutia had the upper hand as she used the Rhynosipotimus Meteor. "999..."What the fu-"...999999999999999999999999999998" JoJo stood up like Guile and POWANCHED the crap out of Satan- I mean Peanug. Then he did his RUSH COMBO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 -15 Hit combo! Lia had fallen asleep and avoided all of the attacks by doing ABSOLUTLEY NOTHING -_-💧.

     Nutia used her Finish Buster which hits all target no matter what. B O O M ! A gigantic explosion sent everyone flying in to another dimension. They ended up in a place called "Detroit" but they didn't care. They just kept fighting. "DEMENSION ENDER"!, Peanug yelled. It was super effective. It desroyed the demension and sent them back to their own. Peanug started charging up and his shell turned into a spiky shiny yellow one and glowed with amazing-ness. Peanug used "BRING PEACE TO US ALL as he faded away in an firey explosion, Taking JoJo's life as well as his own. Lia and Nutia tired them selves out Nutia's power level: 0.255533444556665449998664434567888 Lia's power level: 1.50.
Lia used the last of her Gi to fire a Garlic Pistol. Lia killed her mother and later became a Mercenary.

The End

#S T A Y  T U N E D  F O R  D R A G O N  B A L L  Z

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