Thrity Two

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Jeonghans Pov

Tears start to roll down my face. I can't look at him. He's such a sweet kid and now he's all beaten up. Seungcheol looks so shocked but I know he's angry.

" ....Son, w-what happened?" He asks

" They got me in the bathroom. If it wasn't for Vernon and Jun, I could be dead right now" he says

Seungcheol gets up and repeatedly punches the wall.

" Seungcheol stop" I say but he still continues

" Seungcheol seriously, stop" I say again

He isn't listening so I get up and go over to him.

" STOP!" I yell catching his fist

He closes his eyes and breathes in and out. I wrap my arms around his waist but he doesn't hug back. I lay my head on his chest and hear his heart beat go back to normal pace. He opens his eyes and hugs me back.

" I'm sorry" he apologizes

" It's ok Appa" Minghao says Joining the hug

" I promise those bullies will get what they deserve" Seungcheol says as we all let go

" I have a call to make. Time to assemble the team" I say

I have something else to do first before I assemble the team. I've been thinking about doing this and now I have a valid reason. I might cause another war but I'll do anything to protect my baby.

I go into the bathroom and lock the door. I put my hair into a pony tail and grab the scissors. All my dad does is talk shit about my hair and Minghao even got beat up. Some people say seventeen is only popular because of the American kid and the one with the long hair. We can't do anything about Hansol but we can do something about my hair.

I take the scissors and cut my ponytail off. I breathe heavily as I hold my ponytail in my hand. It's ok I need to calm down. It will grow back. I take a comb and fix my new hair. Seungcheol loved my long hair. I hear a knock at the door.

" You ok?" Seungcheol asks

" I just did something" I say

" What do you mean?" He asks

I slide my pony tail under the door and it goes silent.

" You didn't" he says

I open the door and his eyes go wide.

" But why?!" He asks

" A lot of reasons" I say

" This is a lot of hair! Why'd you cut off so much?!" He asks putting my pony tail on the counter

" It will grow back. Hey it's not that bad" I say

" This is gonna take a lot of getting used to" he says

Joshua's Pov

I pull up to Jeonghans house and they get in the car. He called me last night and told me what happened. He sits in the front while Seungcheol and Minghao sit in the back. We all decided to wear black. Me and Jeonghan brung weapons but Seungcheol just brung his fists.

I'm the church boy of the group so I brung one of my crosses. The thing is, I sharpened the ends and it looks pretty bad ass. Jeonghan brung his metal bat. Of course we aren't going to actually beat up the kid but we will scare him.

" Did you sharpen your cross!?" Jeonghan asks picking it up

" It's so amazing. I stabbed an orange with it and it went straight through!" I say

" It's terrifying" he says

" I'll do anything to protect you" I say

" Thanks Uncle Josh" Minghao says

" Coups, why so quiet" I ask

" I'm trying to calm myself down so I don't end up hurting these boys" he says

Jeonghans Pov

We pull up to the school and get out the car. We already contacted the principal and got permission to talk to these kids. All of the students are waiting outside since school didn't start yet. I drag my bat behind me as we walk to the middle. People start to stare at us.

" I'm looking for two bitches by the name of Dongho and Jongmin" I call out

Everyone surrounds us and gets quiet. Minghao runs over and stands with Vernon and Jun. Two kids step forward. Seungcheols hands ball up into fists.

" Who is who" Joshua says

" I'm Dongho" one says

" And I'm Jongmin" the other says

" You beat up Minghao" Seungcheol says

" Yeah, and what are you going to do about it?" Dongho says as Seungcheol laughs

" Joshua" Seungcheol says as Joshua steps in

He grabs Dongho's shirt and pulls him close to him. He puts his cross in front of his face.

" You see this?" Joshua asks as he nods

Vernon tosses him an Apple. He catches it and stabs the apple with the cross making everyone jump.

" Sharp enough to slit your neck too" he says

" You can't do that!" Jongmin says

" Lucky for you, I have a personal relationship with the lord" Joshua says letting him go

" Ha, she definitely can't do anything. Her hair is gone so she's nothing now" Dongho says talking about me

" You like it? Did it just for you" I say as he rolls his eyes

I ignore the fact that he said she and her. I'm not a girl, I might " dress like one" sometimes but I'm always just Jeonghan. I go up to his ear and whisper so only he can hear what I'm saying.

" Touch my son again and I'll make you my bitch. Be a good boy and send your friend over to visit"  I whisper

He runs over to his friend. Teenage boys always get scared when you mention something "gay" to them. It's pretty funny. Jongmin slowly walks over to me. I lean over and whisper in his ear too.

" If I hear about you again, you're ass is mine. I dare you to test me." I whisper

He nods and they both run away. Seungcheol and Joshua look confused.

" Let's go" I say walking towards them

" How did you even... What did you say?!" Joshua asks

" Nothing really. Apparently I'm scary" I say

" You do martial arts. If they do anything, kick their ass" Seungcheol says ruffling his hair

" All eyes ok? We love you" I kiss him on his head and then he leaves

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