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One Friend.

One friend tries to help.
One friend pushes away.
One friend falls under the bus.
One friend gets her out.
One friend gives all she can.
One friend takes it all.
One friend loses everything.
One friend loses a friend for her best friend.
One friend changes her life for her best friend.
One friend lost her best friend.
One friend lost her one friend left.
One friend got mad.
One friend lost her mind.
One friend sees what happened.
One friend forgets.
As these two friends forget each other, they become strangers.

Don't let your best friend become a stranger.


Hey guys, I wrote this poem during my lunch and thought I should post it because it's happened to me more then one time. I've lost to much and gained so much from my ex- best friends. I've changed my life for one or two of them, don't let anyone change you. Recently I've had a friend I loved like family, move away to a different state. I hope he reads this and doesn't forget me. A piece of advise I give anyone who is about to lose there best friend.
Don't let them walk away mad at you.

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