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Sooo I got a boyfriend a few weeks ago! I know Miss.Loner is no longer alone! Aren't y'all proud of me? No? Okay well,,, that's awkward... ANYWAYSSSSS

Something has happened with in his friend circle, we all know how fights can get within a group of friends. It gets ugly right? But then again we all get over it and start hanging out again, right? Well...

One of his friends had started to make fun of me, calling me names and such. This really upset him, and me.
But one of his friends really opened his eyes and showed how he changed a bit sense we have started dating, and I would like to say thank you to this friend that helped. He says he will not give up on us and will also make time for his friends.

I'm proud that he sees the true sides of some of his friends, but he needs to make time for the others. I did try to get him to hang out with them more within the first week of summer but he didn't want too. I'm so happy he does now, I don't want him to change or lose friends in this relationship.

I have lost so many friends and I know how it feels to lose them. He lost his best friend... How would you feel if you lost yours? That's a question to think about.

This is me signing off 😘✌🏼️

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