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Does anyone listen anymore?
I feel like every time I talk people just ignore me or get annoyed.
If someone yells at me it's fine but if I yell at someone then I'm a bitch.
What the fuck.
It's just so unfair.
If I do something someone told me to do, and another person gets mad at me for it. Is it actually fair?
Why do I get called a bitch for not taking a "joke?"
It's not a joke if I say it, but it's a joke if you say it. Yeah okay that's sooooo fair I get it.
I'm younger or I'm older so I have to do the shit you don't want to do?
I don't think so...
But I get in trouble if I don't bring you this, or bring you that.
It's so unfair.
But you know what they say "Everything in life is unfair."
But I guess not for them.

This is a copy and paste of what my friend sent me.
These are his thoughts and I believe no one should ever feel or have to do this.

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