part 2- invite

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To Matt from Chris

Hi, sorry I didn't reply or answer your calls, I was in the shower. And yeah I would like to meet again! It has been forever,well, has felt like it! XD what do you suggest we do? :)


What to do, what to do? I thought to myself for a while trying to think of a good day out we could have. Not like just going to veggiegrill then Starbucks like we do all the time or vice versa, because it gets a bit boring doing that over and over again... "wait! I got it!" I said to myself. Not weird at all. " I can invite Chris to my friend Derek's birthday party! I'm sure Derek wouldn't mind. Oh my gaygod I hope he says yes!" Still talking to myself. I will stop now. I'm not sure that Chris knows that... deep down I actually like him more then a friend, I've said in my Q and GAYS that I would date him but 1. I don't think he watches my videos and 2. he probably thought of it as a joke :'( if only he new. but if he does agree to go to this party with me, it would give me the chance to finally tell him! And we will both be drunk so it wouldn't matter if he doesn't feel the same way or it gets a bit steamy while intoxicated because we wouldn't remember the next morning! What if he does say no and does remember... our friendship... gone... ahhh why cruel world! (forget about Chris being underage to drink)

From Matt to Chris:

My friend that you met before Derek, well he's having a birthday party at his place.
Damon, Steve, MDE members like Johnnie Gilbert and Kyle David hall (balls) plus others will be there as well.
On Friday night.
Want to join me? Could be a lot of fun ^·^
... there will be vodka ;)

lushlyng Birthday Party! (Matthew Lush And Chris Oflyng)Where stories live. Discover now