part 6- the closet part 1

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This is what ALL of you have been waiting for isn't it you perverts xD yep. Here's the smut scene! Please leave a vote and comment below. this is my first time writing smut so please no hate Xx okay... let's do this!


Chris pulls me into the closet first then enters and shuts the door. It's a very small closet with only one shelf at the top and some ugly boots in the corner, so there was barley any space for the both of us so, I stood on the left and he leaned on the right wall. We were silent for a good minute just looking around the small room trying not to make eye contact with each other. That broke until I joked " hey! Why am I in here? I already came out! I don't want to be back in the closet. Haha!" I heard Chris chuckle under his breath lightly still looking at the ground putting his hands in his hoodie pockets, which made me smile. I loved his laugh and smile, just so cute ^·^. "Chris, what are we doing in here? Why are you so nervous? Is everything okay?" I asked. I shouldn't of bombarded him with questions but I was curious. He looked up, his face and body language all shaken up. "Its-- it's a stupid d-dare" he replied putting his head back down. 'A stupid dare?' Oh no! I thought, is it what I think it is? Closet. Private time. Chris shaken and nervous. Everyone out side quiet. Is-- is he gonna?-- no. Matt! Stop fantasizing that will sadly never happen. It could be something else... yeah probably. " so... umm... what was the dare then Chris?" He looks up at me and gulps. His eyes like a chocolate river with fabulous silver pearls floating silently.


Shit. What do I answer with? If I tell him it will be awkward if we do it after but if I don't he's going to get bored and eventually leave! Ahhh! What to do? What to do? Just... do it Chris!

I sit up off the wall and take a small step towards Matt getting close enough for our body's to have contact. My heart is pounding out of my chest and flying away. Matt looks confused... but also that he knows what's happening. Strange. I get closer and closer. Matt up against the wall now not able to go anywhere. I whisper in his ear " sorry for the bad things this is gonna cause" and leaned forward, shut my eyes, and kissed Matt on the lips.


Holy fuck. Chris is kissing me! I stand there, our lips connected like one, wide eyed. His lips were small, but oh so warm. There was something about his kiss, something that none of my last boyfriends had, (the shade!) Something.... magical. Something that's attracting me more and more every single second of our kiss. I can't help myself! I slowly close my eyes and kiss back, putting my hands on his shoulders pulling him in closer. man, he's a good kisser! Our lips interlock. I feel the heat getting to my cheeks, (don't think dirty yet! Face cheeks!) This has never happened before... I kinda like it. As we kiss more, I decide to step it up a notch move my hands from his masculine shoulders down to his waist, and slowly reach my hands under Chris's shirt and hold his hips. Pulling him in closer to my 'lower' area.


I did it. It's happening. I'm kissing a man. The Matthew Lush himself. I could of not done it... I could of told Matt the dare and walked out saying we did even though we wouldn't of.... but, something deep down wanted to do it. And I am-- I'm kind of thankful for that something... He's not kissing back. Oh shit. 'He probably doesn't feel the same way!' I thought. I was going to pull away until I felt two hands and arms on my shoulders, pulling me closer to Matt, then oh then, he started to kiss back. Moving his and my lips side to side, his lips were so majestic and gentle. It is truly amazing. I was in Chris world, I forgot where we were, what was behind the door and everything else in the world apart from me and Matt kissing. I never want this to end. But I noticed, that during us making out his hands left my shoulders. Did he want to stop? Why now? A chill went down my spine as Matt made his way to the bottom of my shirt and put his hands on my hips, squeezing lightly, pulling me in more. I gasped and giggled in the kiss because his hands were cold and it tickled a bit, I think that he noticed though because he snickered as well. After, I thought 'you know what? I'm going to win this! I can't let him get away with that and nothing in return. I will beat him! (Game wise)' so, still kissing, I lick and bite his bottom lip. He actually let out a moan! And it wasn't quiet one bit. Jack pot lets see him try and beat that....


He gasped and giggled! SOO cute! I am so lucky this was the dare and I got chosen to do it with him. Christopher O'flyng. The sexiest man alive... well?... there is JB but Chris is just above him on the sexy scale. He slowed down kissing for a moment, does he want to stop? Did I go to far? I always go to far! But then. I completely melted. He licked my bottom lip with his smooth tongue and bit my lip gently with his pearly whites. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck I am so turned on right now. I open my mouth slightly and before I knew it I let out an unintentional moan. It was not quiet sadly. Chris obviously heard and smiled. He thinks he done well? Like he won? I can't do better? Ha! Try me bitch. (Brandon Rogers reference there)

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