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Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy people of gay shipppsss it's Emily! Back from being too lazy and forgetting my password! Sorry I haven't been updating :'( please forgive me *~* hope you all had a good 2016, honestly mine was crap 😂 but anyway lets hope that 2017 is full of GAY SHIPS (* cough cough* Phan, makoharu, regisa, and of course VIKTOR X YURI FROM YURI!!! ON ICE ^·^) smut, fluff, food and Wi-Fi 👏👏 on the next page/ next chapter I'm hopefully going to complete and finish this story for #lushlyng because my #lushlyng dream has died :'( doesn't mean that I can't write about it though! Hehehe...


if you want to contact me to update a chapter in another story for the future, or even a story request please follow my instagram anime account :  _.emily_anime or my instagram personal account : _.emily_lumley and send me a DM because I really don't mind ^-^ ! 🌈

lushlyng Birthday Party! (Matthew Lush And Chris Oflyng)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin