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---Hussian's POV --

"Well, I mean we're just going to make her life miserable," I heard mom say and I stopped to listen.

"Yep, let's see how fun this will be," Dad said.

Even Shehry had already moved out of here. He didn't even tell me. I wish I knew why, but I just woke and he was gone. I got a text saying that he's moved out.

A text! He didn't even call!

"It's going to be fun. Plus, if he ends up liking her it's just going to add to the fun of ruining her life," she said.

"True," he said.

"And what if I end up hating her?" I asked.

"Oh please. There's not a girl on this Earth that you hate," she said.

One girl, I thought to myself.

"Whatever. When's the stupid day?" I asked.

"Tomorrow," they said.

"TOMORROW?!" I asked shocked.

"Chill. It's in a week," she said and they left.

I quickly texted my friends and brother about it.

Just a week left. This seriously is happening!

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