lost girl [sold]

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TITLE; Lost Girl
FACE CLAIM; Mimi Elashiry
LOVE INTEREST; Stiles Stilinski

"I'm a lost girl from Neverland, I don't know why I came here.
I felt like someone was calling me to come, I'm lost after all."

Diana Ray was a girl who lived the age of sixteen for almost 20 years,
she lived with the spontaneous and adventurous well known boy that's
called Peter Pan, at the place that nobody would ever think that it
even existed the land of the Neverlands. She was the only lost person
who was a girl, she lived among lost boys half of her life and she didn't
want anything to change.

But when the time she gets voices in her head telling her to come
back to earth, she did everything she could just to persuade Peter
to let her go. He didn't let her though, so she escaped by using Tinker
Bell's magic dust, and she went into the portal by going to the second
star to the right, straight on till the morning, as Peter Pan would say.

When she arrives to earth and landed on the infamous
town of Beacon Hills, she kept listening to the voices in her mind
to lead her to the purpose point, she finds a misfortune group of
teenagers that will drag her into the supernatural world and
figures out the unexpected.

she came here for a reason and she's willing to find out, but what happens when a deadpool comes knocking on her door by people wanting to unmercifully end her life, that's what happens to you when you get out from Neverland, finding trouble and stressful worries.

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