Chapter Four

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They continued to stay close, cuddled up to one another in a comfortable silence for the remainder of the movie. When the end credits started to roll, Abigail shifted as she prepared to get up.

"Mmmmmm." Zac sighed in response, clearly not wanting her to move. "Your hair smells like coconuts."

Abby chuckled as she stood, heading toward the television. "My everything smells like coconuts. Coconut oil is a girls best friend."

"...That so?" Zac grinned.

"Get your mind out of the gutter, perv. I mean I use that stuff for everything. In my hair, as body lotion, lip balm, you name it." She took the movie out of the dvd player and replaced it with the third in the series. It was her least favorite of the films but she'd sit through it if it meant more time with Zac. "You up for another?"

Zac stretched his arms above his head before changing positions and laying horizontally across Abby's couch. "I'm in it for the long haul, darlin'."

Abby smiled and headed back to the couch. She took a seat near the end at Zac's feet, now that he was laying down and occupying almost the entire thing. "I'll forgive you for being a total couch hog, only because you're so cute." Did she really just say that?

"Spoken like a true Zac Girl." He teased, grabbing her by the hand and tugging her arm gently, suggesting that he wanted her to join him.

Abby gladly climbed to the other end of the couch and curled up in front of him. He could probably feel her heart pounding right through her back. As if she was spooning with Zac Hanson. Surely she would wake up in the morning and discover it was all a dream. He draped an arm around her waist and pulled her in a little closer. She could legitimately feel his bulge against her butt. She would have paid good money to be put into this position but here she was, and for free at that. It was even his idea.

She wasn't sure what his intentions were, her guess would be that he was just a super cuddly guy and didn't actually mean anything by it. She had cuddle buddy friends in the past, both men and women, and it never amounted to anything more and she expected this would be the same. If that's what this was, she'd gladly accept the position.

"This really is the absolute worst movie in the entire Jurassic Park franchise." Zac commented, breaking her thoughts.

"Absolutely. But it's kind of bad in a good way, if that makes sense."

"Some of my all time favorite movies are bad in a good way, I get what you mean." Zac agreed.

"Basically every horror movie ever is like that." Abby added. "Yet I love them."

"Me too. You're so cool." Zac said as he nuzzled his face into her back and placed the lightest kiss on her shoulder blade. So light in fact, that Abby had to wonder if she imagined it.

At some point throughout the movie, Abby felt her eyelids getting heavy and she knew she was about to fall asleep. She rolled over, now facing Zac, and snuggled into his chest. He smiled and wrapped his arms around her tightly, leaving another soft kiss, this time on her forehead.

His hand rubbed slowly up and down her arm, finally coming to rest on her hip. "You know..." He said, not finishing, waiting to see if she was even still awake.

Abigail lifted her head to look him in the eyes, urging him to continue.

"I'm feeling pretty conflicted right now." He finally admitted.

"You are?"


"Well? Care to tell me why?" She finally asked.

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