Chapter Thirteen

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"Abby! Abs! Abigail! Wake up! We're landing! Abs!" Abby shifted in her seat as Kelly slapped her arm and tugged on her shirt sleeve excitedly.

"Geez, Kel..." she grunted, fighting the urge to rub her eyes and smudge her eyeliner and mascara.

"Sorry, I'm just anxious. Aren't you anxious?"

"Yes, but I'm also exhausted. Five AM flights are no joke."

"Which is exactly why I went to bed super early last night. I told you not to stay up late."

Abby rolled her eyes. "Sorry, Mom."

"Don't complain about being tired if you don't wanna listen to my advice."

"I wanted to go to bed early, but I was having a hard time figuring out what to pack, and what to wear today, I swear I went through my entire wardrobe three times. Nothing seemed to be good enough, not even the stuff I bought specifically for this trip."

"What happened to the girl who claimed it didn't matter because Zac has seen you at your worst and doesn't care what you look like?"

"That girl has been hanging out with you too much! You got in my head. I haven't seen my boyfriend in a month and I want to look good for him. I want him to remember why he's with me...especially now that he's on tour and around tons of beautiful women every single day."

"Oh please! As much as I support your decision to actually try to look good for your man, you can't possibly tell me you actually feel threatened by all those fans, do you?"

"You don't? I mean, I know you and Tay are married now and everything but this is the first time they've toured since you've been with's a long time to be away."

"Well, I didn't until you said that!"

"I'm sorry. I know they wouldn't actually DO anything, but it doesn't mean they aren't looking, and I want to look better."

"Seriously, who are you?

"I know, I'm sorry. I just need to get off this damn plane and see him so I can feel better." Abby stood, grabbing her bag from the overhead compartment. "How do I look?"

Kelly grabbed her own bag and turned to inspect her friend. "Beautiful, as always. Is that what you're wearing to the show tonight?"

Abby glanced down at her black leggings, Chuck Taylor's and over sized sweater. "God no! I was going for the cute but comfy travel look, but I totally plan on showering and changing and doing myself up way more for tonight."

Kelly sighed. "Oh, thank God."

"I thought you said I looked beautiful?"

"You look beautiful for someone who just spent the entire morning on a plane, but we both need some work before tonight. Thankfully we're spending the night in Toronto and have a hotel rather than being on that bus, because I plan on coming to your room and getting ready with you, if that's okay. I'll do your makeup and you can help me pick an outfit. I have a few options and I can't decide."

"Sound good." Abby smiled and nodded toward the group of people ahead of them waiting to get off the plane, noticing that they were finally starting to shuffle ahead. "Look, the line is starting to move. Let's get off of this thing, get our other bags and see our guys!"

The two girls navigated their way around the airport until they were able to clear customs and then make their way to baggage claim. They waited anxiously for their bags to arrive, and as soon as they did, they headed for the exit.

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