Chapter Thirty: pt.1

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The month that followed the fire went by slowly, and happily uneventfully. After two weeks in the hospital, Zac was sent home for an additional two weeks of bed rest until his burns were fully healed and his lungs were strong again. Having Zac at home, while Abby cared for him, reminded her of the time she had spent in Portland with Adam. Only this time, she did it because she wanted to, not because she felt obligated.

She didn't mind in the least that she had to miss her final show of tour, and the guys in Grit had totally understood. She also didn't mind that her music career had to be put on the back burner for a little while. Having Zac get better, having Zac at all, was all she cared about. She only wished that their first few weeks as a new-old couple weren't spent with him being seriously injured and in pain. The last time they got together, they had spent their first few weeks apart while he was on tour. Nothing ever seemed to line up just right for them but their perfectly-imperfect relationship only made it that much more special. Or at least she liked to think of it that way.

"I want to take you out." Zac stated simply one night as they sat in bed eating pizza and watching old Full House re-runs.

"You can't, silly." Abby giggled through a mouth-full of her veggie lovers.

"Sure I can. I feel a lot better, seriously. We don't have to do anything crazy. I've been stuck inside for like ten years. Let's go somewhere tomorrow."

"Ten years is a bit of a stretch, but are you sure you're feeling up to it?"

"I am." he nodded with a grin, chucking his crust into the empty box that lay on the bed. "In fact...I feel up to some other stuff too."

"Oh yeah? Like what?" Abby smiled coyly, abandoning her own pizza and sliding closer to Zac, laying her head against his chest.

"Hmmm...I don't know. I was thinking maybe some sweet, sweet lovin' from my girl?"

Abby looked up at him and he wriggled his eyebrows in mock-suggestion.

"Is that a good idea?" She asked.

"I'm not sure that's ever not a good idea."

"You know what I mean." She smacked him gently on the chest before adjusting to fully face him, laying on her side and resting on her elbow.

He turned on his side so that they were laying face to face, taking one hand and running it down her arm. Goosebumps instantly covered her flesh at his touch. She was suddenly aware of how long it had been since they'd really been able to touch each other. Even longer since they'd been truly intimate.

"I do know what you mean." He nodded. "And yes, I seriously feel fine. I just miss you."

He leaned forward then, closing the gap between them and placing a soft kiss on her lips. A low moan involuntarily escaped Abby's lips at that exact moment, a small fire already igniting inside of her. Zac deepened the kiss then, eventually rolling her on to her back as he carefully laid himself on top of her.

Before long her hands went into his hair, as they always did, and he smiled slightly beneath their kiss. He missed that. He missed everything about her. He wanted to savor her, and this moment, for as long as he possibly could. Sometimes he truly felt like Abby was an enigma. They had always been so on and off and whenever things were good it seemed as though she disappeared. He wanted to believe that this time was for good, and he really felt like it was. However, he needed to remember this...the way she looked, moved, tasted, sounded...just in case.

"I love you so much." She told him between kisses as his hand wandered to the waist band of the little shorts she usually wore to bed.

"I love you too." He told her, kissing her neck before pulling back long enough to remove her shorts, leaving her in just a baggy tee shirt, which his hand quickly disappeared under when he went back to kissing her neck.

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