Chapter Twenty-Nine

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It took Zac nearly an hour to walk back to the gas station, and almost just as long to convince the attendant working there to allow him over night access to the garage that held his truck. He had no other was either stay at the motel with Becky, which was never going to happen, or sleep in his vehicle for the night. After finally offering his credit card as collateral, the attendant said he could sleep in his truck in the garage. It was actually more like an old barn, but it didn't matter to Zac. He just wanted somewhere to lay his head for a few hours. It had been a long day, and an even longer night. If he wanted to look somewhat human for his reunion with Abby the next day, he had to at least try to get some sleep.

Now stretched out in the back seat of his truck, trying desperately to get comfortable, he took out his phone and decided to call Taylor and update him on the situation. He had been unable to contact Liam earlier, and in a way he was kind of relieved. He wasn't quite ready to let him know that his girlfriend was actually insane...he felt awful. Yet, he needed to tell someone.

"Yo, Bro." Taylor answered.

"Hey Tay." Zac sighed. "Uh, so you know how I said Becky was a weirdo?"


"Turns out worse than that, she's actually crazy. A stalker, I guess."

"What? What happened?"

"She went all nuts on me. Took all her clothes off and tried to blackmail me into sex. Admitted to conspiring with Adam...she lost it."

"What the're kidding. Are you okay?" Zac could hear panic rising in Taylor's voice.

"I'm fine now. I talked her down, I think. I'm at a gas station inside an old barn right now...I'm gonna sleep in my truck."

"Dude, what the fuck. Have you spoken to Liam? Should we call the cops?"

"No...and no. I tried to call him a few times but he must already be sleeping or something. I don't think the cops are necessary, like I said....I'm pretty sure I talked her down. She said she's going to leave Tulsa and go home to her family. Hopefully right away."

"Jesus Christ, this is insane. Liam is going to be crushed." Zac could hear Taylor exhale a puff of cigarette on the other line. "Are you sure you're okay? Do you want me to pick you up or something?"

"Nah, thanks. I'll be fine. I can't leave my truck...and I don't want you going out of your way. I'll see you tomorrow evening."

"She better be worth it."


"Abby. She better be worth it! You've gone through hell and back just to get to her." Taylor joked.

"She is. I'd do it a million times over for her."

"You're such a girl."

"Goodnight Taylor." Zac laughed.

"Night bro."

Zac tucked his phone into his pocket and adjusted himself, rolling over on to his side and wrapping an old hoodie around him as best he could. Even though he was ridiculously uncomfortable, he was also exhausted and fell asleep after only a few moments.


He woke up coughing, confused by his surroundings at first but quickly realizing that he was in his truck. Except, something was wrong. He coughed again, feeling his lungs tighten as heavy black smoke swirled around outside the windows.

"What the hell?" He mumbled out loud.

He reached for the door handle and pushed it open, smoke quickly filling the truck and causing him to cough more. Every time he breathed in to get air, it only filled his lungs with more smoke instead. He felt like he was choking on it. He tumbled out of the truck and landed on the floor of the barn. That was when he noticed the flames. They were outside, but were beginning to creep in under the door and through a broken window. He heard a crash, noticing another window break and fire begin to crawl through it.

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