Remeber Me?

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(b/f):Best Friend
(Y/n)'s POV
"Hey (b/f)! Did you her any news of Lucy?" "I actually did (y/n)!" "What?! Tell me!!!" "Ok! Ok! Don't shout at me!", she pretended to pout. "Oh sorry. I'm a little excited." "No kidding I had no idea!", she rolled her eyes and began to giggle. I giggled with her. "Ok tell me everything!!" (b/f) giggled as you demanded for the news. "Ok. Lucy was spotted at your old guild FairyTail and you need to go there as soon as possible." I processed this information quickly "How soon can I leave?" "Now if you want." I stared at (b/f) in shock. "NOW!!! LETS GO!" I was so excited to finally see Lucy again! "Oh yeah and I need to really tell you this too." I turned around and looked back at (b/f). "What?" "I can't go with you this time I need to stay behind and track you so you can stay safe. We definitely don't need your secret spilling into the world now do we." My eyes started to water. "I wish *sniff* you could come *sniff* with me." (b/f) sighed "I know I wish I could go too, but I can't and you have a train to catch to Magnolia." I looked at her and gave (b/f) a big hug and she hugged me back. "Here take this." She handed something to me. "What is it?" "This is called a cell phone. It's a device that helps me talk to your from far away. Oh and whatever you do don't let Lucy see this please." I nodded at her. "Ok time to go!"
-Time Skip-
I arrived at Magnolia station and got off of the train. "Have a good day miss!" The conductor said to me as I walked off the train. "Thank you!" I walked away and grabbed my luggage. My (f/c) (favorite color) suitcase trailed behind me as I walked to my house. (B/f) had bought me a house and had told me to drop off my luggage once I got to Magnolia. I unlocked my door and walked in. I set my luggage by the front door and walked out. I locked the door and started walking to the guild. It's been 8 years when I walked out that door of Papa's house and 10 years since I've seen Lucy. I went to FairyTail and they helped me find my way. Now I'm going back to join and to see Lucy. I saw the sign as I approached. I walked into the guild and I heard the noise, the laughter, and the chatter of the people. Then I saw Mirajane. Wow she's grown up quickly. "Mira! Mirajane!!" She turned and looked at me and gasped in shock. She ran to me and shouted "(y/n) your back!!!" Suddenly the noise stopped, everyone turned and looked at me. The guild burst in joyful shouts and cheers. I smiled and then turned to Mira. "Mira, where is Lucy?" Mira wiped her eyes and pointed to a blonde headed girl. "Lucy! Lucy it's me (y/n)!!" Lucy looked at me and her eyes filled with tears as she ran to me. "(Y/n)! Oh my gosh!!" We hugged and cried as the guild celebrated the reunion. I finally felt happy to be reunited with my sister but I may not be able to stay for long.

Authors Note- Yay!! First chapter complete in my book! Thank you guys for reading. If you have some suggestions or ideas then feel free to comment. FairyTail is not mine. All the credits go to Hiro Mashima. Stay cool guys! Peace!! 😎✌

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