The Curse of Lullaby

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(Y/n's) POV

We've finally returned to the guild. We were welcomed back which was nice I guess. I'm just tired and I don't want to deal with anyone. I quickly walked back to my house an pulled out my cell phone. I decided to call (B/f) (remember this is your best friend). The phone rang for a little bit before (B/f) picked up. "(Y/n)?", she said. "Yes its me!", I replied. "How are you? How are things? What have you done lately?", she asked rapidly. "Whoa, whoa, whoa slow your roll girl.", I giggled and replied,"I'm good, things are good so far, and I've stopped a guy named Duke Everlue from trying to extract a secret from a book with Natsu and Lucy." She was silent for a second then said, "Wow sounds  fun! Have you told Lucy your secret yet?" I replied, "No, I haven't. I think we should wait for a little while she's not ready." (A/n your secret is that you know all the different types of magic. You know Dragon slayer, mage, etc.) "Ah I see. Well I've got to go (Y/n). It was awesome to hear from you!!", (B/f) said. "Okay! I should probably go back to the guild anyway. Talk to ya soon!", I said. I hung up the phone and grabbed my (f/c) backpack. I walked out of my house, locked the door, and headed to the guild.

I walked into the guild and Natsu tackled me with a hug. "Whoa!", I laughed, "Hey Natsu!" He let go of me and grinned, "Hey (Y/n)!" He raced back over to the counter where he was eating and surprise surprise....right next to Lucy!!!! I was walking over to them when I heard a loud band and the door opened. 'Ah that's Erza.' I turned around and walked towards her. "Hello Erza.", I said. She looked a me for a minute then ran to me and gave me a hug. "(Y/n), your back! I've missed you so much!" I smiled and said,"I've missed you too." Erza looked around the guild and announced, "The dark guild, Eisenwald is planning something. I don't know what yet but I need a team to go with me." I spoke up, "I'll go." Erza grinned and said, "Good. Now I'll take Natsu and Gray." Natsu and Gray both shouted, "WHAT!" Erza glared at them. "I mean... yay! I can't wait to work with you!", Natsu and Gray both jumped around hugging each other. I shook my head and laughed. "Let's go everyone! Go get your stuff and we'll meet at Magnolia Station!", Erza commanded. "Yes ma'ma!", Natsu and Gray both scattered out of the guild. I walked out with Erza.
Lucy's POV
"Lucy!", I turned toward Mira. "Yeah?", I said. "Do you think you can go with Erza and them? I don't think Erza and (Y/n) will be keeping a close eye on Natsu and Gray.", she asked. "Yeah! Sure!", I said. "Awesome! Good luck!!", she said. I walked out of the guild to get my stuff ready.
Hey everyone! Thank you for reading this chapter! So do you think I should pair you with a character in the story? Hope y'all are doing well in school!! I'll try to update soon! Bye!! :)

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