1st Mission Part 1

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I finally felt happy to be reunited with my sister, but I may not be able to stay for long.
(Y/n) POV
Lucy took me back to her house and talked to me about all the things I had missed. When we got there I realized something and turned to her, "This is where my house is too! I think I live next to you." Lucy looked at me and I saw her eyes light up. "Really that's awesome!", she said to me. Lucy opened the door and we walked in. "Oh yeah I forgot to mention that Nat-", she cut off her sentence when she saw Natsu and Happy sitting in her living room. "Hey Luce! Hey (y/n)!" "Hi Natsu!", I said with a giggle. Lucy's expression was funny and I continued to giggle at her. "NATSU GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!", she screeched at them. "Hey no fair! Happy gets to stay but not me!", Natsu shouted back at her. "HAPPY CAN'T STAY EITHER!! GET OUT!", Lucy was trying to push them out the door when I noticed something in Natsu's hand. "Wait Lucy! I think Natsu wanted to show us something.", Lucy stopped pushing and looked at Natsu. "Okay explain yourselves. Why are you in my house?", Lucy asked. "We have a job and wanted to ask y'all (sorry southern lingo) if you wanted to be on our team.", Natsu said with a blank face. Happy looked at both of us and nodded. "I'll be on your team. What's the job?", I said. Lucy looked at me like I was crazy. I looked back at her and said, "Lucy its going to be easy and we need some money anyway. Please let's do this job." Lucy signed, "All right. We can do the job." Natsu grinned, "Thanks Luce!"

"Okay. What's the job?", I asked. Natsu turned to me and showed me the paper. "Oh it's that Duke Everlue job." I said as I scanned the paper. "This guy needs a book called Daybreak back from Everlue.", I listened as Natsu explained. "Also we need Lucy to get us in because Evelue wants a blonde maid.", Natsu said. I giggled at Lucy's expression. "All you need me for is to play the role of the maid for a pervert like Everlue!!", she screeched. "Well yeah.", Natsu said calmly. Lucy sighed, "Okay let's go." "Yay!!", Natsu and Happy shouted. I giggled again. 'This is going to be fun', I thought to myself.

Authors Note- Hey guys hope y'all enjoyed that chapter. I will make a part two to this so be on the lookout for it. Have a great morning, afternoon, or night. Stay cool!! 😎✌️

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