I Screwed Up (Everlue Mansion Part 3)

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I finally stopped laughing. "Okay. Since Lucy failed and we can't get inside. We are going to fly up with Happy.", Natsu said obviously annoyed. Happy nodded along with Natsu's plan. I looked at Lucy and she glared in Natsu's direction, "Fine." She agreed. I looked at Natsu and said, "I can fly myself." He looked at me surprised, "O-Okay." We flew up and looked through the window. Natsu and Happy pretended to be ninjas. Lucy grumbled at them and I decided to find a way in. I knew where this book was and how to get it away from Everlue. Natsu saw me inside and shouted at me, "HEY (Y/N)!!!!!" 'Ugh stupid idiot. The whole mansion probably heard him'
Lucy's POV
Natsu, Happy, and I quickly went in the way (Y/N) got in. "Alright," Natsu said, "Lets split up. Me an' Luce an' (Y/N) an' Happy."
(Y/N) spoke up, "No it will only cause harm. We have to stay together to defeat Everlue." I looked at her. Normally she never talks like that but she had a different aura around her today. "Okay.", I heard Natsu reply.
"Follow me.", (Y/N) said. We quickly went into the library. "There's the book.",I said. I ran over and grabbed it. All of a sudden we heard a rumble. A hole appeared and so did Everlue and the fat maid(don't want to say Virgo yet because they don't know her name). "Hey Natsu!! I've got to find out more about this book!", I said running to the door. "Okay Luce! Me, (Y/N), and Happy will stop Everlue.", he said to me. I nodded and ran off to go read this book.

Okay guys!! I give you permission to shoot me!! I know I haven't updated for a month I think. I'm really sorry. I've getting slammed with homework and finals are this week. :( I'm going to update more regularly. And thank you for 53 followers!!! Y'all are awesome!! Okay see you in the next chapter!!! :)

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