The Curse of Lullaby (Finale)

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Y/n POV:
I ran to the station and saw Lucy, Natsu, and Gray all standing together. I heard Natsu and Gray arguing as usual. 

"Hey Lucy!!", I shouted out. She turned and waved at me. "Hey Y/n!!", she called back to me. I slowed to a walk and stopped in front of her.

"Mira sent you, right?", I asked her. She just nodded, her attention focused on the two who were still arguing.

"Hey I never said I wanted to work with a stripper!!!", Natsu yelled at Gray.

"Well I never wanted to work with a fire-eater!!!", Gray shouted back.

I sighed and turned back to Lucy. Happy came over to us. "Those two are going to be in so much trouble if Erza sees them like this.", he said. I shouted out, "Hey Erza!!!"

The pair instantly became buddies. "We're such great friends!" "Aye!" I snorted and then started to laugh loudly. Lucy joined me in the laughing. The two sent glares in our direction. "You tricked us you-!!" I glare at them and raised my fist. "Don't you try anything you two. You both know I can beat you."

Natsu is as about to say something to me when Erza came up with a mountain load of stuff piled onto a cart. "Wah!! That's a lot of stuff!!!", Lucy shouted. Lucy stepped towards Erza and introduced herself. After introductions we loaded all of our stuff into the train and then got on. The train pulled away from the station. Natsu didn't look so good. Erza knocked Natsu out so he wouldn't get sick.

Erza explained what was going on and we had to move quickly. The train stopped and we got out. Suddenly the train sped away from the station. I turned to see Eisenwald members.

"Hey! You jerks!!!" I shouted quickly charging at them with all of my magic ready. Knocking them all over and beating them all up before the others could do anything.

"Oi! You can't have all the fun, (Y/n)!!" Nasty shouted. Erza joined and so did Lucy as well as Gray. Pretty soon all of them were on the floor.

"Yeah we did it!!!!"

We were all cheering because we had won the battle and defeated the boss before he could hurt "Gramps" (as Natsu calls him).  We repaired the station and soon caught a train back to Magnolia. 'Today was fun,' I thought before going to sleep.

Author's Note
Hi!!! I'm very sorry I haven't updated for a really long time. I've been extremely busy and haven't had time to focus on this book and my other book. Starting from now on I'm going to be drifting away from the original FairyTail plot and making my own. Hopefully y'all will like some of the ideas I have. For example, I may set you up with a new character or someone from the FairyTail guild. Let me know if y'all have any ideas for this book. Also thank you for reading and thank for 90 followers! I will try to update soon!! Love you guys!~

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2018 ⏰

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