Dragon Ball Z

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-Are you a dragon? Because you sure make my balls glow.

-Are you a member of the ginyu force? Because I can see you in a lot of exotic positions.

-Are you ready to feel the power of my Big Bang Attack?

-Babe, I'll give you my big bang attack and we can create something universal.

-Baby, why don't you use your hands to fire my laser beams?

-Bang me or I'll kamehameha you.

-Big Bang me, lover!

-Can I see if ALL of you turns Super Sayjin?

-Did it hurt? (Did what hurt?) When you fell from Snakeway.

-Did Majin Buu do something to you girl? Because you're as sweet as candy.

-Do you like dragon ball z? Because I'ma drag deez ballz.

-Girl is that potara earrings you're wearing? Because I wanna merge bodies with you.

-Girl you're so hot, you can pass off as my ki level.

-Girl, did you just use a Solar Flare? Because you just brightened up my day. (OR) Because I'm blinded with beauty.

-Girl, is your name Chiaotzu? Because you're a doll face.

-Girl, my bedroom is like the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. If we go in together I'll give you a year's worth of pleasure in just one night.

-Girl, you're the hottest thing I've ever seen, and I'm not just saying it. 'm Super Saiyan it.

-Goku: I'll eat anything, even you.

-Hey baby, I'm just the right Kai for you.

-Hey cutie, want me to rock YOUR dragon?

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