Word from the Author- edited

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( ENGLISH ): Hello! I am only 13 but I thought that if I will write a story, I have to act more mature and be more considerate to what others will think about the story.

This story was inspired by some sort of show I watched.
I want to inspire people, to make them happy and maybe to make them feel touched.

*This story is dedicated to all those people who dreams of a miracle.

NOTE: Since I am just 13, there will be no foul words. I wish you will enjoy the story!

All of the brands mentioned and all of the places and medicines mentioned are just products of the author's imagination.

General Genre: Slice of life,Drama, Tragedy

About the cover: copyright to the owners :)

To all those who are currently reading:
I've been detecting some typographical errors, so sorry!

The Incident in December 20Where stories live. Discover now